Sunday, November 13, 2022

November 14 - 18

   D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings 
A group of Key Club members stuffed 1,500 bags with other volunteers with Blessings in a Backpack for their weekly delivery to families in our district. It was a great experience for them!

Foods 3 students made chocolate chip cookies for a snack during conferences Thursday. "They wanted to appreciate you!"

Bonnie Downey, senior, earned a perfect score on her Microsoft Word Certification Exam, and is currently ranked first in the state! Her score will advance on to the state level in hopes of competing at the Microsoft Office Specialist U.S. National Championship next summer!

Announcements/Week Ahead

Rocking tale of Snow White - Come support our 6-12 show this week November 17-20!

Staff complimentary tickets: All DCE staff are eligible for one free ticket to a performance of The Rockin' Tale of Snow White. Your complimentary ticket may be redeemed in advance using the code DCESTAFF at checkout via or at the door before the performance of your choice with your staff badge. We highly recommend purchasing your tickets in advance, as it is reserved seating.

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Please remember to check your conferences schedule on Monday as parents can still sign up and make changes up to 24 hours before conferences begin. If there are any changes needed, contact Dawn Seehafer.

Grading communication - Just a reminder that if you have any students who failed or came close to failing it is assumed that communication with parents has occurred. The notes section in Grade Guardian is a great place to document that a phone call was made. This will allow student services and administration to be aware when conversations have occurred. If you need help in making initial contact please reach out.

Faculty Meeting - This weeks faculty meeting we will be using experiences people had observing other teachers over the last month - If you have yet to observe anyone, the open classrooms are listed here. Please make an effort Monday/Tuesday to complete 1-2 20 minute observations of a peer of your choice. This is not a requirement - just highly encouraged!

EverestPride tickets - Reminder that we are promoting positivity all year long. Here is the link to offer EverestPride tickets to students for living our values.

Open Enrollment November 1st - 18th NO late forms. Any questions regarding Open Enrollment and/or employee benefits can be directed to Riana Mefferd either by email, or by attending any of the visits listed below. **All health insurance eligible employees must complete either the Cash in Lieu forms, or the HSA/Cash-Payout form during the Open Enrollment period**. The forms, as well as detailed plan information, can be found on the Staff Intranet linked here:

All forms must be turned in to Riana Mefferd by 3:30pm on November 18, 2022, with the exception of Dependent Care Flexible Spending which is an online enrollment process.

Autism Training - Lisa Ladson is coming back to DCE in December, January, and February! She will spend a total of one day in schools/classrooms over two days (PM on day one and AM on day two) to support teams with student needs. She will also provide specialized training for staff - to include Associates, SPED Associates, Teachers, SPED Teachers, Administrators and anyone else interested in attending - after school - from 4:15-5:45 on day one. Please see the dates and explanation of her evening trainings below. Please note, Lisa will not be working with students who are a part of the ES3 grant at this time, however, ES3 Implementation Teams are welcome to have Lisa support other students on their caseloads and attend the evening trainings.

The trainings are on Frontline and ready for people to sign-up!

     December 8 and 9 - Autism A to Z - This presentation will give participants an overview of the most up to date information on autism spectrum disorders, including possible causes, rates, and recent research. The presenter will provide an overview of possible supports to put in place for autistic individuals in a simple A-Z format. These strategies offer clear and effective ways to improve your relationships with and teaching and supporting of individuals with autism.

     January 18 and 19 - How to Manage When Emotions Get Big - Do you know students who get stuck in emotional responses, sometimes leading to meltdowns or dysregulation? Are you feeling stuck with what strategies to use to help them support them in calming down? Emotional regulation is one’s ability to recognize and process emotions as well as one’s ability to manage or balance emotional responses. In this training, participants will receive an overview of the neurological and physiological responses that can be activated when students (and adults!) are experiencing a stress response. We will explore practices and strategies to use to help us all regulate our stress responses and return to a calmer state of being.

     February 2 and 3 - Understanding, Supporting and Teaching Executive Functioning Skills for your Students - The purpose of this training is to help participants identify specific areas of executive functioning deficits in their students and develop the ability to effectively support and teach students who struggle with executive functioning skills. This includes identifying students who struggle with organization, planning, initiation, staying on task, impulse control, emotional regulation and adaptability and resiliency. The educational impact of each of these areas will be explored and discussed. Participants will learn strategies and supports that can be used to address executive functioning challenges as it relates to classroom participation and performance.

Staff/Faculty Folder: Linked

Important Dates
14          Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6:30pm
16          Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50-4pm (Have your optional observations of colleagues completed)
17-20     Musical "The Rockin' Tale of Snow White" Tickets:
23          No School
24-25     No School, Thanksgiving Holiday
30          BLT, Rm 369, 2:50-4pm

7            NHS Induction, SH Theater, 6-10pm
7            Department CCs/Chairs meeting, Admin, 3-4pm
14          BLT. R, 369, 2:50-4pm
21          Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50-4pm
22          Winter Break begins at 3:30pm

22-23 Clubs/Activities Meeting Calendar: Linked Here

Upcoming Field Trips

Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
  • Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
  • Receive Principal's approval
  • Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
  • Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
  • If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
  • Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
  • Complete Online Bus Request
  • Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
  • Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
  • Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
  • See Mike Raether if you have any questions. 
District Forms:
Field Trip Request Fillable Form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information

The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.

*NO additional field trips on -
JH Adventure Day (10/19/22 & 4/26/23)
Junior ACT Testing (3/7/23 & 4/11/23)
Sophomore Forward Testing (3/29/23)
Sophomore Aspire Testing (TBD)

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Golbach/Pernsteiner11/14/22Coloma Local 139Form & class list
Scot Abel11/14or15/22Twin Oaks School ForestForm & Class List
Roskopf/Paulson11/15/22Fabick/CATForm, no class List
Jeff Strick11/16/22UWSP Math LeagueForm & Class List
Jodi Peterson11/17/22NTCForm & Class List
Roskopf/Paulson11/17/22Marshfield ClinicForm, no class List
Foster/Degrand11/18/22Wausau West PresentationForm & Class list
Scot AbelVarious dates from 11/28-3/3/23Twin Oaks School ForestForm & Class Lists
Roskopf/Paulson12/1/22Bell RingingForm, no class List
Roskopf/Paulson12/7/22UWSPForm, no class List
Roskopf/Paulson12/13/22Midwest CommunicationsForm, no class List
Roskopf/Paulson12/22/22Old DominionForm, no class List
Todd Bohm1/10/23Leadership Classes in Auditorium, Steve JonesForm not needed
Matthiae, Rose3/2/23Sophomore Career Fair @ Wausau Wet
DeBoer/Thorpe5/11/23DCE Fishing Team Lake Wausau Clean-upForm, no class List
Foster/Strick5/25/23UWSPForm, no class list

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May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...