Sunday, November 6, 2022

November 7 - 11

D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings 
Congratulations to the following students of the month:
Math - Lainey Klopstein, Science - Jahjen Vang, English - Nina Allen, Social Studies - Nevaeh Mathwich, Health - Chinue Xiong,  Phy. Ed. - Lehna Olstad, F/CS - Kyle Schmidt, Counseling - Ariandra Maholmes, World Language - Sean Flemming, Music - Jay Nibarger, New Horizons - Harmony Hommerding, Art - Sophia Ellis,  Tech. Ed. - Alex Wayda, Business/Marketing/IT - Sam Volhard

D.C. Everest DECA has launched their new EVEREST OUTFITTERS!  Great idea for some holiday gifts!!! Great work D.C. Everest Marketing students and Mrs. Peterson!

Another example of ours students (and staff) serving our community outside of the classroom.  Here is Mr. Hansen and his family along with Senior High students Katrina Duran, Will Budleski and Reid Budleski volunteering for Feed My Starving children.

Congratulations to Madeline Bublik who participated int he WSMA State Honors Performance


November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month - The McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act defines homeless children and youth as those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Some examples may include doubled up with another family, loss of housing due to economic hardship, hotels, campgrounds, cares, public places. This also includes unaccompanied youth who might be staying with friends or family. Once a student is identified we can help support with regular check-in's, assurance of transportation, fees, meeting basic needs with food or hygiene supplies, community referrals or other support as they are deemed needed. If you are concerned for a student who is not living in the home of their parent, reach out to Erin Jacobson, School Social Worker, with your information!

Announcements/Week Ahead

Grading Day - Monday, November 7th - Clarification on work expectations during our upcoming Grading Day.
  • Teachers can work from home.
  • Teachers should be able to complete their work tasks and be reachable if questions or concerns arise regarding grades/other quarter-ending concerns
  • If there is time during the day in which staff would be unable to take a call or complete required work, PTO should be taken. For example, if you are truly on vacation, a PTO day should be used.

Grading - A reminder about entering in Q1 grades is below. If you have any questions or concerns with grading, please contact Melissa Barwick.

  • Quarter 1 grading window is open to enter grades.
  • Quarter 1 grading day for teachers is Monday, November 7th.
  • All Quarter grades should be entered by noon on Tuesday, November 8th.
  • Report cards will be published to the Parent Portal on Tuesday, November 8th, once all grades are entered, so please make sure they are all entered in by Noon on 11/8.
  • You will NOT need to enter a grade for the Success Skill: Responsibility.
Grading Expectations - In an effort to provide clarity around grading expectations the following document was placed in the shared staff folder for your reference. Please review.

YOU MATTER! YES, YOU! Wednesday November 9th- Advisory - The health and wellbeing of our DCE students and staff remains a top priority and we are working diligently to expand conversations around wellness and engage our students, families, staff, and community in those conversations. Expanding from our Mental Wellness Day from 2021-2022 school year we will have a YOU MATTER moment multiple times throughout the year! We recognize that when our students have a sense of belonging at school — and, importantly, at least one positive relationship or connection with someone at school — it can play an important role in their success. Our goal is to help students realize how much they matter within their school community and how important they are to our broader community. We also will help them identify someone they feel they can connect with at school and who they can turn to for support.

Instructions will be in the Advisory Instructions Doc - Puzzle Pieces will be in your mailboxes by Tuesday morning.  Video created By Kids For Kids link will be in slides. We want YOU to know how much YOU MATTER in our school and our community! Create this puzzle piece to represent YOU! And we will see how our DCE Senior High 1300 piece puzzle fits together

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Below is the link for teachers to check/print their conference schedule for 11/10 & 11/14. You are unable to change, add, delete, etc. so if you need any of these things done, contact Dawn Seehafer. A primary parent and a secondary parent (goes to only one per address) received an email on 10/25 stating signup starts Thursday, 10/27. Primary household parent(s) who neither have an email listed, were sent a letter in the mail with their individualized link and a note to call Dawn if needed. The website will close 24 hours prior to each night of conferences to all parents & teachers but not me so call if needed.

Open Enrollment November 1st - 18th NO late forms.  Any questions regarding Open Enrollment and/or employee benefits can be directed to Riana Mefferd either by email, or by attending any of the visits listed below.  **All health insurance eligible employees must complete either the Cash in Lieu forms, or the HSA/Cash-Payout form during the Open Enrollment period**.  The forms, as well as detailed plan information, can be found on the Staff Intranet linked here:

All forms must be turned in to Riana Mefferd by 3:30pm on November 18, 2022, with the exception of Dependent Care Flexible Spending which is an online enrollment process.

Teacher Observations - THANK YOU to the teachers who said they would be comfortable having people come and observe them.  Here is the link to classrooms that welcome you in!  The goal is that every teacher conducts 1 or 2-20 minute observations outside of their own department.  We will reflect on your observations during our November faculty meeting.  Get out and see the amazing things your colleagues are doing!

Make-up session for trauma-informed - If you missed the last trauma-informed training your makeup time is scheduled on November 10 from 5:00 to 8:00. Those who took PTO on our PD day will have 3 hours of PTO added back to their bank of hours. Those who had a separate, required PD expectation that caused them to miss the training will receive the option of PD hours or pay for their time.
An Update from Sunshine: A "thinking of you card," was sent to Don Tinjum. Don is in home hospice care.  We also sent a "thinking of you card and gift certificate to Heather Winkleman for the birth of her son.  This was from earlier in the year before Sunshine was up and running.

Staff/Faculty Folder: Linked

22-23 Clubs/Activities Meeting Calendar: Linked Here

Important Dates

7     No School, PD for Grading
7     Girls Basketball, Girls Hockey, & Boys Hockey starts
8     Quarter 2 begins
8     Grading Window closes by noon
9     Riana Mefferd Open Enrollment Visit, SH Rm 210, 11-3:30pm
9     BLT Mtg, Rm 369, 2:50-4pm
10    Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6:30pm
14    Boys Basketball & Boys Swim starts
14    Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6:30pm
16    Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50-4pm (Have your observations of colleagues completed)
17-20   Musical "The Rockin' Tale of Snow White" Tickets:
23    No School
24-25   No School, Thanksgiving Holiday
30    BLT, Rm 369, 2:50-4pm

Upcoming Field Trips

Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
  • Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
  • Receive Principal's approval
  • Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
  • Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
  • If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
  • Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
  • Complete Online Bus Request
  • Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
  • Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
  • Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
  • See Mike Raether if you have any questions. 
District Forms:
Field Trip Request Fillable Form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information

The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.

*NO additional field trips on -
JH Adventure Day (10/19/22 & 4/26/23)
Junior ACT Testing (3/7/23 & 4/11/23)
Sophomore Forward Testing (3/29/23)
Sophomore Aspire Testing (TBD)

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Jennifer Gipp11/7/22Eau Claire FBLA Fall Leadership ConfForm & Class list
Megan Ackley/Julie Rice11/8/22Blessings in a BackpackForm & Class List
Todd Bohm11/8/22Strength/Conditioning Classes-Speaker in Aud.Form not needed
Atkinson/Vesper/Bates11/9/22All DCE Elementary SchoolsForm & Class List
Roskopf/Paulson11/9/22State College of BeautyForm & Class List
Alex Schremp11/9/22Finance Bowl, NTCForm & Class List
Melissa Clay Reissman11/10/22Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art MuseumForm & Class List
Nelson/Schlinkmann11/10/22Greenheck Fan CorpForm & Class List
Golbach/Pernsteiner11/14/22Coloma Local 139Form & class list
Scot Abel11/14or15/22Twin Oaks School ForestForm & Class List
Roskopf/Paulson11/15/22Fabick/CATForm, no class List
Jodi Peterson11/17/22NTCForm & Class List
Roskopf/Paulson11/17/22Marshfield ClinicForm, no class List
Foster/Degrand11/18/22Wausau West PresentationForm & Class list
Roskopf/Paulson12/1/22Bell RingingForm, no class List
Roskopf/Paulson12/7/22UWSPForm, no class List
Roskopf/Paulson12/13/22Midwest CommunicationsForm, no class List
Roskopf/Paulson12/22/22Old DominionForm, no class List
Todd Bohm1/10/23Leadership Classes in Auditorium, Steve JonesForm not needed
DeBoer/Thorpe5/11/22DCE Fishing Team Lake Wausau Clean-upForm, no class List
Foster/Strick5/25/23UWSPForm, no class list

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May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...