D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
Congratulations to our DCE State Ski Team contenders! Best of luck to Annika Nye, Izzy Wolfe, Harper Brandenburg, Julia Hemauer, Tessa Hobbins, Carter Wolfe and Keegan Nye (alternate) as they race through Monday this week.
Pass on Congratulations to the following swimmers when you see them as they competed at State this weekend:
David Mayer - 200 Freestyle - 6th Place - Medal and 100 Yard Freestyle 5th Place - Medal
Camden Barwick - 100 Yard Freestyle - 23rd Place
Keaton Barwick, Adam Swedlund, Camden Barwick, David Mayer - 200 Yard Freestyle Relay - 17th Place
Several of our Key Club members spent Saturday afternoon at Marathon County Humane Society helping with chores and completed other jobs that are hard to tackle as the regular staff are so busy taking care of the animals. We got to visit the dogs and their house cat butterscotch after a hard days work.
Congratulations to
Joe Finnegan and our band students for putting on an AMAZING show Friday!

Announcements/Week Ahead
Tuesday - There will be an altered a.m. ELT schedule on Tuesday to allow for a Junior ACT meeting in the auditorium followed by the filling out of demographics. Juniors should report to ELT and will be excused by announcement to report to the auditorium. Please instruct students to sit with their ELT classmates and you as the teacher. These items will be put in Junior ELT teacher mailboxes by Tuesday morning with instructions. Sophomore and Senior ELTs should use the time as an extended Study Hall. Seniors will be asked to double check their names for graduation. More information will be emailed to Senior ELT teachers Tuesday morning. Altered ELT Schedule for Tuesday, 2/22/22
Sophomore Scheduling Fair Wednesday - We will again ask a representative from each department to come to the gymnasium to help any sophomore with questions about scheduling. An announcement will be made Wednesday to excuse students to the gym at this time.
Earned Privileges Program - Earned privileges notifications were sent to parents and students on Friday. As an ELT teacher please see your email from Mike on Friday for instructions.
Career Fair Information for Sophomores:
Who: DCE Sophomores (400+)
What: 2022 Greater Wausau Youth Hiring & CareerFest presented by the United Way Partnership for Youth, the D.C. Everest School District and the Wausau School District.
Where: Wausau East High School
When: Thursday, March 10th (DC Everest time slot 12:35-1:20 PM)
How: Transportation provided (8 busses). Current Chaperones: Rose, Jenn, Brooke, Jenny, Jodi. Looking for teacher volunteers (4) - Any teacher with sophomore classes during scheduled trip. Contact Rose or Jenn
Why: Our high school students will network with businesses and colleges to learn about post-secondary education and career options. Additionally, employers that offer youth apprenticeships, summer employment, full-time or part-time employment opportunities will be available to network with students seeking employment.
Further details can be found HERE.
Important Dates:
21 ACT Prep Course Night 3 for those who signed up
22 Altered Schedule for ACT presentation in the auditorium & filling out demographics,
23 Sophomore Scheduling Fair in the gym during Advisory
8 ACT - Juniors only
10 Sophomore Career Fair at Wausau East - 12:10 - 2:00 - Sophomores will report to their 10th hour when they return
14 Wellness Day - Whole school
19 Aspire testing - Sophomores only - Juniors College/Career Day
25 Graduation from 6-9 - All teachers required to attend
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf. Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.
Teacher | Dates | Destination | Form & Class list |
| | | |
Ben Burish & Christian Ammon | 3/8/21 | Convention Center Evercon 2022 | Form & Class List |
Foster & Degrand | 4/7/22 | Wausau West Planetarium | Form & Class List |
More field trips will be added Tuesday so please check back.

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