Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 13 - May 17


To all our mothers out there - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!  

 Weekly Happenings

Congratulations Math Team!!!!

Congratulations Forensics!!!!

Congratulations to the following students who earned their Microsoft Office Specialist - PowerPoint certification! Isaak Beitzel, Charles Biolo-Thompson, Joseph Diehl, Richard Drow, Colin Ebersold, Brayden Erickson, Drake Guthrie, Aiden Hoppe, Kasey Hughes, Achilles Khang, Brian Lorge, Nevaeh Mathwich, Cal Obry, Lukas Pergalski, Bryce Sabatke, Evan Vang, Shina Vang, Asianna Xiong

In late April our Woods 2 and 3 students competed at the NTC Wood Technology Center of Excellence Wood Olympics.  Logan Cherek, Max Hoffman, Carter Lang, and Andrew Samuels took 2nd...Max Hoffman earned the top individual score and Logan finished 4th.

Each week Dr. Lindell provides updates to the K-12 administrative team similar to this weekly update to the Senior High team.  Without asking his permission - I am copying and pasting his most recent introduction to his update because it was awesome!  Hopefully that's ok Dr. Lindell!!!

In the last couple of weeks, there have been a few moments where our Senior High students have been in situations of influence over many of our youngest students. Having been able to observe some of the interactions, and seeing pictures or hearing about others, the impact has been amazing! Our older students without question rise to the occasion in so many ways - one student made such an impact on a KG student that the teacher reached out to Todd to seek additional interaction opportunities between the two. It was a difference making interaction for both a senior in high school and a KG student, and ultimately a lesson for all of us. When we put our students in positions that represent great opportunities, they will often understand what is at stake, exceed our expectations, and make the world a better place. I believe our future is bright, and a huge thank you to all of you who allow/create/encourage the magic to happen.

Need to Know

Scheduling Update - A huge shout out to Dallas Rennie and her work on scheduling.  Schedules have been distributed.  Please review yours - if there is a major problem please let Dallas know ASAP. Do not pay attention to class size at this moment as more work needs to be done in balancing and assigning classes.  

The DCE Inaugural District-Wide Culture Fair:  May 13 from 4:00-7:00 PM at the Rothschild Pavilion. The event is free to the public. Stop in to visit the many booths that showcase the cultures that make up our community. There will be speakers, performers, free food, activities for students, and even a photo booth!

Fun Day - Our StuCo students have been working extremely hard to plan our Fun Day afternoon on Wednesday, May 22nd. The Reality Fair is in the morning, so we’re planning more of a Fun Afternoon. We’ll have an altered schedule with shortened classes throughout the morning leading up to lunch for all the students not at the Reality Fair.

This LINK will take you to the Google Sheet where you can sign up to chaperone some activities in the afternoon. We’ve listed some potential activities, but you could add your own if you’d like! If you don’t sign up, you’ll be assigned to one. Teachers need to sign up by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 14th.

We’ve split the afternoon into 3 cohorts. The first one from 12-1 has limited options – students can go watch the hypnotist, participate in a volleyball tournament, or have a study hall in the commons. Note that if you sign up to chaperone the volleyball tournament, you’ll be doing that for all 3 cohorts.

Habit House Open House will be on Monday, May 20th, from 3-7 p.m. Come on out and see the great job our students have done building a home for someone in need.

House moving
- The Habitat House will be moved on the morning of May 22nd. We'll need the far south lane blocked off as we have in the past to allow room for the trailers and cranes. All should be cleared out by noon.

BLT Meeting - Our next BLT meeting will be moved to Tuesday May 21 at 2:50 in 310/329. The goal of the meeting is to review a proposal to district cabinet reviewing our continued conversation on ACT 95 implications for our students and the possibility of moving a weighted grade system. All members of the faculty are invited if interested.Senior Teachers - Parade of Graduates - If you teach Seniors, please plan on being apart of the Parade of Graduates on the 29th from 9-11 and Graduation practice from 12:15 - 2. Retirees please plan to be apart of the parade of graduates as we will ask you to lead the students through the hallways! More information to come!


Weekly Advisory Notes & Links:

Staff Folder:

Pride Tickets:  All staff are asked to send three Pride tickets to students per week. Use the rotation calendar to help provide an equal rotation. Teachers are welcome to send more than directed on the calendar. This action step should increase the amount of positive feedback parents and students hear about all the good they are doing.

Pride Ticket Rotation schedule:

Pride Ticket Website

Upcoming Dates

13-17  AP Testing
15    Faculty Mtg, 310/329, 2:50 p.m.
15    Board of Education Mtg, 6:30 p.m.
19    Senior Baccalaureate Celebration @ DCE MS Auditorium
20    Habitat House Open House, 3-7 p.m.
21    Final Failures Due
21    ALL senior fines and fees due or not walking at ceremony
22    BLT Mtg, 369, 2:50-4 p.m.
22  Habitat House moved, a.m.
22    Reality Fair, GHCC, period 3
22.   Fun Day 
24  Last Day for Seniors
27  NO school, Memorial Day
28-31  seniors not in school
29    Parade of Graduates 9-11 a.m.
29    Mandatory Graduation practice 12:00-2 p.m.
29    Graduation @ Steihm Stadium, 7p.m. Teachers lined up by 6:45
30-31  final exams, altered schedules, school in a.m.

3      Last Day for Teachers

Closed PTO

The following dates are closed for PTO:  
  • March 1, 15, 22 
  • April 9, 12
  • May 3, 6, 24

Field Trips

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Megan AckleyS2 WednesdaysHuman Society of Marathon CtyForm & Class list
Megan AckleyS2 FridaysHabitat for Humanity Re-StoreForm & Class list

DeGrand/Steiniger5/13/24Rothschild PavilionForm & Class list
Jo Bailey5/21-22/24Devils Lake State ParkForm & Class list
Chad Pernsteiner5/22/24Habitat House MoveForm & Class list
Brandt/DeBoer/Thorpe5/24/24Lake Wausau-Bluegill BayForm & Class list
Davies/Foster5/28/246 flags great AmericaForm & Class list
Miranda Ritger6/25-30/24HOSA Internationals, TXForm & Class list

Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
  • Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
  • Receive Principal's approval
  • Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
  • Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
  • If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
  • Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
  • Complete Online Bus Request
  • Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
  • Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
  • Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
  • See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
District Forms – all forms can be found under this link - District Forms
  • Field Trip Request Fillable Form
  • Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
  • Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if an overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.

*NO additional field trips on -
JH Adventure Days (10/18/23 & 5/8/24)
Junior ACT Testing (3/12/24)
Sophomore Forward Testing (TBD, p.m.)

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May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...