Weekly Happenings
Neat activity in Parenting and Family this week: Students in the Parent and Family course were able to be Gray for a Day - simulates different stations that utilizes an empathic approach to educate on the age related sensory and functional challenges that some older adults might face.
2nd semester schedules-update to the request process to drop 2nd semester of a full year class
In an effort to encourage communication between the teacher and student, students who wish to drop S2 of a full year class will need to have their teacher (of the dropped class) sign a form. The signature does not give approval or denial of the request, it is merely a signature confirming there was a conversation between the student and teacher.
Altered Schedules 1/18 & 1/19 - Please inform any dually enrolled students (freshmen, EVA, RVA, Homeschooled, other partial school enrollment) of the altered schedules for semester 1 exam final days. This was they will know the exact time of your class for that day. Check the shared folder for schedules.
WACPC January 27th - On Saturday, January 27th the Senior High is hosting a large Dance competition throughout the day. Please be aware that classrooms will be used as team rooms. Take time to ensure your classroom is organized and valuable items are stored and put away.
Finals Schedules and 2nd Friday Count - Finals schedules and the 2nd Friday count schedule can be found within our staff folder linked here. More information on the 2nd Friday count will be shared this week from Carla Kietlinski.
Finals week - A reminder that all students are expected to attend their scheduled classes on Thursday and Friday where some sort of assessment activity will be happening. Students are not able to be excused from attending this period.
PD Opportunity - Sign up in Frontline
Staff Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tA9F8Uxtg_6GgTuocX64uuUGSrKEtCKq?usp=drive_link
Pride Tickets: All staff are asked to send three Pride tickets to students per week. Use the rotation calendar to help provide an equal rotation. Teachers are welcome to send more than directed on the calendar. This action step should increase the amount of positive feedback parents and students hear about all the good they are doing.
Pride Ticket Rotation schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10SwPkVNia-n4wB4mcWfWQQXlweW3WhIrKJK-I-tU5R4/edit#gid=0
Pride Ticket Website: https://pbis.dce.k12.wi.us/
Upcoming Dates
Closed PTO
The following dates are closed for PTO: March 22 and May 24Field Trips
- Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
- Receive Principal's approval
- Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
- Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
- If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
- Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
- Complete Online Bus Request
- Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
- Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
- Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
- See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
- Field Trip Request Fillable Form
- Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
- Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
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