Weekly Happenings
Congratulations to Logan Cherek for his outstanding leadership and performance in the Youth Apprenticeship Program!
Our students enjoying a great trip to UW-Green Bay this past week despite the rain!

The Fall athletic season is winding down. Our student athletes and their coaches have represented us well all year! Get out and support our Evergreens as they begin tournament play!
- Soccer is hosting Superior on Tuesday the 17th and will play Saturday with a win.
- Volleyball is hosting Wausau East on Thursday the 19th and will play Saturday with a win.
- Football is playing Neenah at Neenah on Friday the 20th.
- Cross Country runs Saturday at Menomonie
- Swimming competes Saturday November 4 at Wisconsin Rapids
Congratulations on Conference Championships for Volleyball and Soccer! Swimming still in the hunt!
Conference Champion Volleyball!
Conference Champion Soccer!
Sara Mlodik - Won her 4th Conference Title in Cross Country - 2nd Person to ever do that along with Suzy Favor Hamilton
Come check out Band's last Marching performance on Thursday at 8 PM at Stiehm!
Need to Know
Faculty Meeting October 18 - Our faculty meeting on Wednesday will not be in person. One activity we engaged in as a faculty last year was observing our colleagues throughout the building. That experience was well received and I was asked to ensure we find a way to do it again this year. In lieu of an in person faculty meeting on Wednesday, all faculty members are expected to conduct two 15-20 minute observations on the two floors where your physical classroom is not located. For instance, if you are in the Art department you will conduct your observations on the second and third floors. If you're in the math department, you'll be on the first and third. These observations must be completed by November 14th.
As we did last year - I would ask for people who are willing to enter your name, room number, and which hours you're open for observation by your colleagues. This way, only people who are opening their rooms will be observed. (I am highly encouraging all teachers to open your classrooms).
Open Classroom Sign-Up
While conducting the observation please take notes and reflect on the practice you are observing. Focus on clarity of instruction (how does the teacher articulate the desired learning outcome?), how students are receiving feedback, and ways in which the teacher creates a positive culture in their classroom. We will use your reflections at our faculty meeting on November 15th.
New Neighbors - In early October, district administrators, counselors and EL staff had the opportunity to be a part of a presentation done by several individuals in our community who have refugee status. It was a powerful presentation that began with a traditional Afghan tea and pastry service, followed by a documentary and a panel discussion.
Here is the link to the documentary titled Refugee Resettlement and Asylum Seeking in Central WI for anyone interested. Also, there is another event and opportunity for you to see the presentation at the Community Partners Campus in Wausau on November 2. Please see the flyer for details!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner on November 9th and 13th from 3-6:30pm. Please check below to make sure you are in the correct room those nights. If you have questions, give Dawn Seehafer a call or email by Wednesday, October 18th.

Oct. 26 Professional Learning Day - The rooms that will be used at the senior high on the 26th are as follows: auditorium, band room, choir room, commons, gym, IMC, and rooms:
301 (added 10/19), 303, 310/329, 312, 313, 315/316, 319, 320, 321, 324, 330, 340, 342, 345, 346, and 347. All teachers in these rooms should ensure that all materials are organized and put away. Please also be aware that any room may be used on the 26th if needed during the day.
PRESIDENT'S OWN MARINE BAND - The President's Own Marine Band will be performing at the Sr. High on Tuesday, October 17th at 7:30pm. We would like to invite you to the FREE concert, but you do need to have a FREE ticket (scan QR code).
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Our fall conferences are on Thursday, November 9th and Monday, November 13th from 3-6:30 p.m. Parents will have the option to have an in-person, WebEx, or telephone conference when signing up. Individualized parent emails will go out October 26th with instructions and a link to sign up during an 8-minute spot with a 2-minute passing time. All teachers are required to be in the building for conferences unless on the shared teacher list or have been approved by Mike. If you need to talk to Mike, please do so by October 23rd so that if your schedule can be blocked or changed accordingly by Dawn before the 26th.
20 Grading Table opens
24 Annual Board meeting, SH Auditorium (regular board meeting immediately after at the Admin Bldg
25 BLT Meeting, 369, 2:45-4pm
26 NO School, Teacher Inservice
27 NO School
30 6-12 Vertical Teaming, 3:15-6pm
New Teachers Mtg, 369, 2:50-3:20pmField Trips
Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
- Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
- Receive Principal's approval
- Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
- Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
- If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
- Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
- Complete Online Bus Request
- Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
- Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
- Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
- See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
- Field Trip Request Fillable Form
- Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
- Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if an overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.
*NO additional field trips on -
JH Adventure Days (10/18/23 & 5/8/24)
Junior ACT Testing (3/12/24)
Sophomore Forward Testing (TBD, p.m.)
Teacher | Dates | Destination | Form & Class list |
Glynn/Kmosena | 10/20/23 | Mid StateTech Welding Contest | Form & Class list |
Jennifer Gipp | 10/29-31/23 | FBLA Fall Leadership Conf, Madison | Form & Class list |
Dallas Rennie | 10/25/23 | Rothschild Elementary | Form & Class list |
Paulson | 10/30/23 | Leaf Raking | Form & Class list |
John Glynn | 10/31-11/4/23 | Indianapolis, IN. National FFA Conv | Form & Class list |
Paulson | 11/8/23 | UW-Green Bay | Form & Class list |
Paulson | 11/12/23 | Rib Mountain | Form & Class list |
Jodi Peterson | 11/12-13/23 | Kalahari | Form & Class list |
Miranda Ritger CANCELED | 11/14/23 | American Family Field | Form & Class list |
Goldbach/Pernsteiner | 11/15/23 | Coloma Local 139 | Form & Class list |
Paulson | 11/16/23 | Skyward | Form & Class list |
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