D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
Neat story this week about some of our students taking part in a free photo shoot with Dave Junion. https://www.waow.com/news/area-school-districts-capturing-joy-for-high-school-students-with-disabilities/article_f6b69158-afb1-11ec-a9bd-f7ccb4d27732.html
Staff complimentary tickets: All DCE staff are eligible for one free ticket to a performance of County Fair. Your complimentary ticket may be redeemed in advance using the code DCESTAFF at checkout via dce.booktix.com or at the door before the performance of your choice with your staff badge. We highly recommend purchasing your tickets in advance, as it is reserved seating.
Get out and support our students this coming week/weekend!
Forward Testing - Thank you everyone who had a part in making this test go so smoothly. It is great to know we, the senior high employees, can work together and accomplish things like this.
Prevention Solutions from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - We are thrilled to announce that we have a prevention specialist from the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation coming to our community. This is a world-renowned non-profit organization that offers prevention and recovery solutions nationwide across the entire continuum of care for youth and adults. Prevention Solutions provides alcohol, nicotine, and other drug education to schools and communities around the world.
On April 27th, from 6:00 to 8:00pm, at the D.C. Everest High School Auditorium, there will be an educational presentation from a highly trained prevention specialist.
The presentation will include (but is not limited to):
Frontline Instruction Videos
The first is how to complete courses that you have taken in Frontline to verify your attendance. Please note there are some sessions that have a future end date that cannot be completed until the session closes; email reminders will be sent when session close.
PD Reflection / Basic Evalution: https://youtu.be/yKZHHE70Ssg
The second is how to view your entire portfolio to see total hours.
VIEW Portfolio - Hours: https://youtu.be/0wpeRUcH52A
The third is a comprehensive video on the use of Frontline from start to finish.
Frontline Video: https://youtu.be/aCxccaCj5Ik
Unique experience this weekend for our orchestra students who were able to play alongside other area orchestra students and professional musicians as part of the ROCK INFUSED ORCHESTRA at Wausau West.
Announcements/Week Ahead
Staffing Update - There are always a lot of moving parts in the Spring when it comes to job postings and hirings. I will do my best to communicate those updates through the blog as they happen instead of individual emails as I have for our first two. I'll start by wishing Lisa Banks well as she has accepted a counselor position at Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School for next year. Lisa's position has been posted on WECAN for two weeks and we anticipate moving forward with interviews after this week. More to come when a hire is made. On a district-wide perspective, Sarah Trimner (Weston's current Principal) has accepted the Director of Talent and Culture position. This position became open when Dr. Hall announced her retirement and was revamped for changing needs district wide.
-Make up Forward testing will be Tuesday, April 5th during periods 1 and possibly 2. We have 46 students on the list and will be testing in the IMC. So the IMC will be closed during this time.
Sunshine update - We re-stocked the Sunshine Closet treats for the last time this school year. Please take advantage of this simple, easy opportunity to use the treats to pass along encouragement, praise, and appreciation to fellow co-workers this last quarter. There are post-it notes and praise cards sitting on the top of the closet for special messages to co-workers also.
Aspire Testing - The 10th grade Aspire test will be held on Tuesday, April 19th. There is no school for 11th or 12th graders that day. This test is completely online. Below are essential dates and tasks to put on your calendar to be fully prepared to proctor this test.
Sunshine update - We re-stocked the Sunshine Closet treats for the last time this school year. Please take advantage of this simple, easy opportunity to use the treats to pass along encouragement, praise, and appreciation to fellow co-workers this last quarter. There are post-it notes and praise cards sitting on the top of the closet for special messages to co-workers also.
Aspire Testing - The 10th grade Aspire test will be held on Tuesday, April 19th. There is no school for 11th or 12th graders that day. This test is completely online. Below are essential dates and tasks to put on your calendar to be fully prepared to proctor this test.
- Tuesday, April 5th at 2:45 p.m. OR Wednesday, April 6th at 7:10 a.m. both in the IMC - mandatory room supervisor/proctor/accommodations supervisor meeting. All SWD teachers and 10th grade advisory teachers are assigned to proctor this test in addition to some 11th and 12th grade teachers/staff. Click here to see if you are assigned.
- Tuesday, April 12th Aspire Altered Schedule (mandatory ELT for 10th grade), Review Aspire directions, check iPad, testing rooms, and practice problems. Click here for Student Direction Sheet
- Tuesday, April 19th Aspire test for 10th graders. No school for 11th or 12th graders. Click here for the schedule
- Tuesday, April 26th Aspire test make ups in the IMC
This test is online. Staff who are administering the test MUST create an account or update their password in the Aspire platform by going to https://aspire.act.org/customer/index.action Email Jane Kemp if you cannot get your account created. The username is your DCE email.
Prevention Solutions from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - We are thrilled to announce that we have a prevention specialist from the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation coming to our community. This is a world-renowned non-profit organization that offers prevention and recovery solutions nationwide across the entire continuum of care for youth and adults. Prevention Solutions provides alcohol, nicotine, and other drug education to schools and communities around the world.
On April 27th, from 6:00 to 8:00pm, at the D.C. Everest High School Auditorium, there will be an educational presentation from a highly trained prevention specialist.
The presentation will include (but is not limited to):
- effective ways to communicate with youth about drugs and drug use
- the most up-to-date facts regarding current drug use and trends
- how to spot early warning signs of use and effective ways to respond to encourage open communication
- strategies to empower youth to make healthy, responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drug usage
- additional resources from Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and resources from within our community
Frontline Instruction Videos
The first is how to complete courses that you have taken in Frontline to verify your attendance. Please note there are some sessions that have a future end date that cannot be completed until the session closes; email reminders will be sent when session close.
PD Reflection / Basic Evalution: https://youtu.be/yKZHHE70Ssg
The second is how to view your entire portfolio to see total hours.
VIEW Portfolio - Hours: https://youtu.be/0wpeRUcH52A
The third is a comprehensive video on the use of Frontline from start to finish.
Frontline Video: https://youtu.be/aCxccaCj5Ik
4 Engineering Tomorrow Presentation, IMC, 2:50 p.m. for math, science, tech. ed., computer science, art, and other teachers who received the invitation.
5 Forward Testing Make Up, IMC, Period 1 possibly 2
5 Aspire Proctor Meeting, IMC, 2:50 p.m. OR
6 Aspire Proctor Meeting, IMC, 7:10 a.m.
12 ACT make-up testing, Periods 1-4,
12 Aspire Altered Schedule (mandatory ELT for 10th grade), Review Aspire directions, check iPad, testing rooms, and practice problems
12&14 Graduation Ceremony Senior Speaker Auditions
14 Wellness Day - Whole school
15 NO School
15 NO School
18 Recognition Celebration, SH Auditorium, 6-7:30 p.m.
19 Aspire testing - Sophomores only
20 Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 p.m.
20 Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 p.m.
26 Aspire make-up testing, IMC
27 BLT Meeting
29 Key Club Blood Drive, 8-2 p.m., Location TBD
30 Junior Prom, CW Convention Center
25 Graduation from 6-9 - All teachers required to attend
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf. Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.
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