D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
Big shoutout to Rose Matthiae and Jenn Golbach for their work in organizing our sophomores at the career fair. Additional thank you to all of the chaperones who went along.
Another shoutout to everyone for how smooth the ACT testing went this week: Specifically thanks to Dawn Seehafer, Tami Mlodik, and Todd Bohm. There is a ton of pre-work, organization, and planning that goes into that day and those three do a lot to pull it off!
Sadie Hawkins dance this weekend went well - Appreciation to our chaperones who gave up their Friday night: Lisa Banks, Jenny Oosterhuis, Jean Durski, Allisha Blanchette, Sara Pinsonneault, Alex Schremp, Yolanda Lloyd, Anne Marie Jagodzinski, Glenn Olstad, Joe Finnegan, Audrey Kemp, Jo Bailey, Parker Johnson, Jeff Lindell, Jeff See, and Officer Frank! Thank you!
This past week I had the honor of attending the Wisconsin Automotive and Truck Education Association (WATEA), a banquet to celebrate the partnerships that Aaron Hoffman, Chad Pagenkopf, and our Tech. Ed. team develop with local industry partners. A big congratulations goes to Dr. Gilmore who was recognized at the event as a Partner in Industry.

Announcements/Week Ahead
Faculty Meeting March 16 - Jenny Oosterhuis will talk briefly about the sophomore Forward testing coming up on March 30. We will also discuss the upcoming Mental Wellness day. If you are unable to make it please check with Mike on Monday or Tuesday.
Sophomore Forward Testing Altered Schedules - Teachers will receive their Forward test manual in their mailbox as soon as we have them. Please read this small manual to prepare yourself to help students with:
- tutorials and practicing on Tuesday, March 29, 45 min a.m. Advisory Schedule
- test on Wednesday, March 30, (sophomore testing 7:28-9:13, late start period 1 at 9:28 a.m. for ALL students)
Links to the two altered schedules on March 29 and March 30 along with teacher assignments will be sent out soon. Watch your email.3rd Quarter Grading Timeline - Quarter 3 grades are due 4:00 pm on Friday, March 25th. Friday, March 18 is a full day grading day for teachers. Please ensure all grades are completed by the deadline.
How to Change/Update Your District Passwords - Please see attached guide on how to change/update your network/district, local computer, Infinite Campus, and Google passwords.
Here is a PD version of the guide.
Graduation Gowns - Barb will be checking to make sure we have all graduation gowns. If you took yours home last year (and it's not your personal robe) we need it back at school. If you are a new teacher, Barb will be asking for your height in the coming days.
Transporting Students via Personal Vehicle (Policy 8660) - A quick update: Included on the District Website is a form that has a checklist that an employee completes and then gives to their supervisor. Ultimately, although policy allows this to occur, I would strongly suggest it is used in very limited fashion, if at all.
Spring Break - If you're traveling - travel safe! See you in the 4th quarter!
Important Dates:
16 Faculty Meeting
16 Board Meeting @ MS
17 Quarter 3 Ends
17 Happy St. Patrick's Day
18 NO School, PD Day for Grading
21-25 Spring Break
25 Grades due by 4 p.m.
29 Forward tutorial/practice, Altered 45 min. Advisory Schedule
30 Altered Schedule, Sophomore Forward Testing 7:28-9:13 a.m.,
shortened classes will start for ALL grades at 9:28 a.m.
14 Wellness Day - Whole school
19 Aspire testing - Sophomores only - Juniors College/Career Day
25 Graduation from 6-9 - All teachers required to attend
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf. Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.