D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
Each and every week we get to see students is a fantastic gift for us. Thank you for pushing through the craziness of the first three weeks. I have been so impressed with how well everyone has handled this disruption. Thank you for continuing to dig deep, work with your colleagues, and make it work. In a reflective conversation on Friday, the admin team was discussing just how amazing our staff have been. We are so fortunate to be able to work with all of you on a daily basis. Looking forward to the great things we can do - together!
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Curriculum and Instruction
It has been brought to our attention that there have been some common issues with Canvas across buildings. The table below outlines the issue along with the solution. Please share this information with the teachers in your building immediately. Early next week, we will also be sharing the information for the opportunity for staff to apply for the paid Canvas Coaching opportunities at each building.
We appreciate your feedback to help us to continue to work together to find solutions. Thank you!
Trying to send curricular attachments and videos to students via Canvas Inbox/Communications (otherwise known as Canvas Email). A concern brought up that students cannot access the attachments.
Students using up all their storage in Canvas.
Periodically have students delete items - we are finding students at all age levels storing personal videos and additional items in Canvas. Each Canvas user gets 100 MB in file storage to store any files in his/her own account. Files that are submitted to assignments, however are not counted towards this quota.
If students have exceeded their file storage quota, they can clean out unwanted files by accessing the “FILES” section within Account Settings or Course Navigation on Safari, not the app.
Students reporting that they upload assignments, but the teacher does not receive them.
- Make sure students know how to properly upload the assignment and how to double check they have done so correctly.
- If the student is uploading using the Canvas App, they need to refresh the App periodically to ensure it is syncing with the Canvas Interface.
- Using the Parent App to access Canvas results in a limited view for the parent. Parents should utilize the web to see live-time Canvas activity.
- This resource in Commons will help teachers and students with assignment set-up and submission processes.
Interesting Information
I wanted to share a possible PD opportunity with staff that they can find on the PD website. We know the stress that our current reality has placed upon us. We also know that our students are struggling as well. If you have some time, it would be worthwhile to attend. Registration is available on the PD site a: http://staffdev.dce.k12.wi.us/index.cfm
What is Handle with Care?
Handle with Care is a notification to make teachers aware of a traumatic event that occurred with one of their students outside of the school day. A traumatic event under the Handle with Care notification is defined as any situation in which the student had some sort of police interaction the prior evening or early morning. This may include a domestic violence call, late night traffic stop, car accident, a house fire, an eviction, a drug bust or juvenile justice problems for them or their siblings.
How does Handle with Care work?
Local law enforcement will email Officer Frank with the name of the high school student(s) involved in a law enforcement situation as described above. Officer Frank will then notify the student's counselor and social worker that the student was involved in a Handle with Care situation. The school counselor will then notify all of the student's teachers with an email providing the student name and "Handle with Care." There will be no additional information other than the "handle with care." Then the school counselor will meet with the student to see what kind of supports would be helpful given the situation. The school counselor will provide additional information if the student agrees it would be helpful but teachers may not receive any other information based on what the student feels comfortable sharing.
How should teachers respond to a Handle with Care notification?
Teachers should be observant and flexible with work and classroom expectations when they receive a Handle with Care notification. This is helpful as the student's behavior and thinking skills may be impaired as a result of the traumatic experience. Teachers should not directly address the student regarding the Handle with Care notification. It is not that goal for the teacher to inquire or engage the student in discussion about what occurred with the police.
Classroom Example of Handle with Care in practice
A student might put his/her head down during the period, they might keep their hood up or hat on, they might ask to talk with their counselor, they might ask to use the restroom..............we would ask that you use your professional judgement in deciding what behaviors can be tolerated given the Handle with Care designation on that day, understanding that the manifested behavior may be stemming from the incident. If you observe these kinds of behaviors, you could say to the student, "Can I help with anything right now?" But then let the student take the lead in responding to the question and engaging in discussion or ending discussion.
Every situation is different and often required additional conversations. Some examples include:
* Living in a motel, hotel, or camping.
*No electricity, gas, or running water in the home.
* Students living with someone who is not a legal guardian (this includes extended family i.e., Grandma, Uncle).
Seating Charts - All teachers must keep an accurate copy of their seating charts located on top of their desk in a folder labeled seating charts. This is in case we need to quickly perform contact tracing for the MCHD and are unable to contact you at night or on the weekends. Additionally, please ensure an updated copy is placed in your Sub binder in the main office and have a copy accessible at your home for your own reference if we call.
Social Distancing - Our greatest defense continues to be social distancing and mask-wearing. A reminder, when MCHD is contact tracing a positive case of Covid-19, they are looking for people who were within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more. That includes student-student, student-adult, and adult-adult. Do everything you can to maintain 6 feet of distance and help your students maintain 6 feet of distance.
September Third Friday Count - Due to our cohort schedules and most students not here on Fridays, the September Third Friday count needs to happen again Monday & Tuesday, 9/21 & 9/22. For more information, see the emails from Carla Kietlinski.
Virtual Faculty Meeting - The September virtual faculty meeting is Wednesday, September 16. The faculty will receive a Webex invite.
Please update your voicemail greeting:
Changing Voice Mail Greeting
1. Press Applications .
2. Enter your pin followed by #
3. Select 4
4. Change Greetings 1
5. Record Greeting
6. Press 1 to rerecord your message
7. Continue with following the directions while on phone
Announcements - Anyone wanting an announcement read to students, please send to srh-announcements. The announcements read on Monday will also be read on Tuesday and then the announcements read on Wednesday will also be read on Thursday. There will be no announcements on Friday. They will also be saved on the senior high website.
Upcoming Academic and Career Planning (ACP) News - Beginning the week of September 21st, each student in grades 10-12 will have ACP Canvas Lessons located within the Student Services Canvas Course under Quick Access Links. Students will be expected to individually complete grade-level monthly lessons in Canvas to include Xello assessments, videos, reflections, and updating their career plan by the end of each month. The following will be included with this rollout:- Communication to parents through Infinite Campus informing them of student expectations
- Introduction video within the ACP Canvas Lesson to guide students
- Assignments posted with due dates within the Canvas Calendar
- Class Question Board availability on Canvas to field questions (Rose Matthiae will be responding to posts in this section)
If you need a refresher on what ACP means for you, our students, our school, and district, visit the ACP DPI Site.
- The SRHS, JRHS and MS will begin offering to-go meals on site to their students, meant to be consumed on the days they are learning virtually. No pre-ordering is necessary. Students will simply pick up their food at the time they are exiting the building. They will be offered 1-2 days of breakfast and lunch, depending on how many upcoming virtual learning days they have ahead of them before they return to the building.
- A refrigerated truck will be distributing grab n go meal packs, available for all kids through age 18. This is similar to our community food distribution from March-August. The only differences are that we are distributing out of a truck, instead of a building, and the meal packs are only available for kids, not adults. The truck will distribute food out of the parking lots of six different sites, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Middle School: 7:30-8:15 (at the main doors)
- Hatley: 8:35-9:00
- Weston: 9:20-10:05
- Rothschild: 11:15-12:00
- Evergreen: 12:15-1:00
- Senior High: 1:15-2:00
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