D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
We are extremely proud to welcome our new additions to our staff!!!

Chad Pagenkopf - Tech Ed Elizabeth Mammano - Food Service Coordinator

Curriculum and Instruction
Interesting Information
Announcements/Week Ahead
Virtual Open House - In the newsletter that went home I informed parents that each teacher would be placing an introductory video on their home Canvas page introducing themselves, their course, course expectations, and providing contact information in lieu of an open house. This does not have to be a long video but does need to be completed by the start of school.
Classroom Preparedness - As you come into your classrooms over the next week please do your best to address any needs you may have between your colleagues and departments. There will be an opportunity to place any custodial requests on a google form, where the requests will be prioritized based on priorities to open the building and get the school going.
Soft seating - We are asking that any soft seating items be packed up and stored in the corner, taken home if they are personal belongings, or placed in the hallway for removal. Students are not allowed to sit on any soft seating items during this time.
Wednesday, August 26th - Staff Meeting - Our first staff meeting will be at 8am on Wednesday. We will meet outside the main entrance - socially distanced and masked up. This will be a standing meeting and will be pretty short.
Department/PLC Meeting - At some point on Wednesday or Thursday your department chair will communicate a time for department and PLC meetings to take place. Please let Dawn know when those meetings are scheduled.
Dr. Gilmore Virtual Listening Sessions (Optional)
- Monday, August 24th - 6-7pm - Optional Listening Session with Dr. Gilmore - Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 - Access code: 146 866 1215
Meeting number: 146 866 1215
Password: ListenSess1
- Wednesday, August 26th - 9-10 am - Optional Listening Session with Dr. Gilmore - Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 - Access code: 146 539 4046
Meeting link: https://dce.webex.com/dce/j.php?MTID=m537b375ea4da9fddcbf55a7686b5a247
Meeting number: 146 539 4046
Password: ListenSess2
- Wednesday, August 27th - 2-3 pm - Optional Listening Session with Dr. Gilmore - Join by phone: +1-415-655-0003 - Access code: 146 700 6979
Meeting link: https://dce.webex.com/dce/j.php?MTID=m3ae7bba17f91b46907c9589ce8a3d43e.
Meeting number: 146 700 6979
Password: ListenSess3
Parent/Student Newsletter - The first newsletter of the school year was emailed through IC last Friday. There were five pages of information - Here is the link: August Parent/Student Newsletter 2020 .
New Daily Time Schedule - A hard copy of the new daily time schedule will be put in mailboxes soon to display in your classrooms.
Important Dates
August:26 Staff Meeting, Outside Main Entrance, 8 a.m. (ALL employees)
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