Sunday, March 10, 2024

March 11 - March 15


 Weekly Happenings

Last Monday we had the tremendous fortune to host a giant in the Civil Rights Movement and American History, David Dennis Sr. and his son David Dennis Jr.  Our students were tremendous throughout. A big thank you to CJ Hansen for organizing the whole experience as well as Rich Wagner for his tech support and help!

I want to repeat an extremely powerful answer that was given to a student question:

Student: "What would you tell young people who are reluctant to get into movements due to fear or concern for self?"

David Dennis Jr.: "I would say Reluctance is a Privilege.  The people I know don't have that privilege."

Please reflect on that quote - in our roles we are charged with ensuring EACH student we serve is in a welcoming and safe environment.  We must do our part to demand a culture (our behaviors and actions) that lives up to our values - DO WHAT'S RIGHT - CARE FOR EVERYONE - EMBRACE EXCELLENCE. We are ALL in leadership roles. (A leader is anyone who has influence over another).  What actions are each and everyone of us taking? 

Often times leaning into these issues can be uncomfortable. That feeling of uncomfortability may lead to reluctance.  Reluctance is a Privilege.  

Last week our Raise Your Voice students from the Junior and Senior High went to Madison and lobbied our representatives for increased funding for mental health supports in education!  The impact our young people are having on a state level is amazing!  Thank you to Danielle and Tony for guiding our students through all of it!

Imagine was a tremendous event. Initial counts estimates 1500-2000 people attended throughout the night! A huge thank you to anyone who supported the night from club advisors, classroom teachers, and sports coaches as well as anyone else who supported the evening. Thank you!

THANK YOU to all advisors, chaperones and especially our Career team for all of the hard work in making the career fair go off so well this week.  As it is every year, I heard nothing but tremendous compliments regarding our student's preparedness and engagement in the experience.  DCE students are well respected by the vendors due to their behavior and their interactions throughout the experience.

Cool experience for our New Horizon's students who were able to take a trip to the hill!

DECA has enjoyed tremendous success.  Diamond level recognition from Wisconsin DECA and Thrive level from National DECA.  Gold recognition in four school based enterprises. Five community service awards for Acts of kindness and charity.  Individually, Vinnie Tesch earned 3rd place for his Entrepreneurship Business Growth Plan for his business, Premier Lawn and Landscape. Medalists from our chapter were: Michayla Susa, Cassidy Lackey, Taylor Thelen and Lyn Sepersky.

Competing at the International DECA Career Development Conference (ICDC) from DCE are: Everest Expressions: Mckenna Woller and Keegan Nye - Everest Outfitters: Cassidy Lackey and Maxwell Bartig - Spirit Box: Aissen Witter and Taylor Thelen - Tree Top Shop: Ayden Duffet - Business Growth: Vinnie Tesch

Congratulations to our Jazz students who took first place at this weekends Jazz festival! Special shout-out to Kyle Johnson as the soloist of the day!

Need to Know

Benefits Office Hours - Back by popular demand, Riana will be hosting open office hours in each building to answer any benefit related questions that employees may have. 

NEW COVID guidance: The CDC has now changed their COVID guidance recommending that positive COVID cases isolate until they are 24 hours fever free and symptoms are improving. DHS recommendations will match that information and they are working on updating their website now. As a district, we will follow these new guidelines and will continue to mark students' attendance as EX until they return to school. We will continue to remind our students and staff to stay home when they are ill and use good hand hygiene.

Junior ACT Important Information - 

  • An iPad keyboards list of who has them and who they should share them with will be sent out Monday.  We need to make sure all testing rooms have what they need.
  • Student rosters for the ACT test were given to Room Supervisors/ELT advisors last week in their mailboxes.  A reminder if you received a list please make sure you tell your students which room to report to Tuesday for testing. If there are any questions, please see Dawn Seehafer.  These are the rosters to also use on Tuesday.
  • 3/11 Teachers who teach junior students 
    • please to check with your juniors to make sure they made a account 
    • to bring a 100% charged iPad and charger Tuesday
    • they can still look at the TestNav tutorial and practice site
    • Any questions, contact Dawn Seehafer or Sara Pinsonneault
  • 3/12 Junior ACT Test altered schedule with directions.
  • All students must bring their iPads to the meeting first thing Tuesday in the auditorium.  A hard shutdown will be completed by all students prior to testing.


Weekly Advisory Notes & Links:

Staff Folder:

Pride Tickets:  All staff are asked to send three Pride tickets to students per week. Use the rotation calendar to help provide an equal rotation. Teachers are welcome to send more than directed on the calendar. This action step should increase the amount of positive feedback parents and students hear about all the good they are doing.

Pride Ticket Rotation schedule:

Pride Ticket Website

Upcoming Dates

12         Junior ACT State Test online, NO school for 10th & 12th graders
13         BLT Mtg, 2:50 p.m., 369
13         Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
13-14    Junior ACT State Test Make-ups
15         Sadie Hawkins Dance @ DCE, 7-10 a.m.
20         Faculty Meeting, 310/329, 2:50 p.m.
22         Quarter 3 Ends
25-29    No school Spring Break

1      No School last day of Spring Break
2      School Resumes
8      2:45 to 3:00 or April 11th from 7:05 to 7:20 Mandatory staff training for Pre-ACT/Forward in the IMC. (Attend either date and time).

Closed PTO

The following dates are closed for PTO:  
  • March 1, 15, 22 
  • April 9, 12
  • May 3, 6, 24

Field Trips

Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
  • Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
  • Receive Principal's approval
  • Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
  • Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
  • If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
  • Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
  • Complete Online Bus Request
  • Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
  • Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
  • Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
  • See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
District Forms – all forms can be found under this link - District Forms
  • Field Trip Request Fillable Form
  • Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
  • Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if an overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.

*NO additional field trips on -
JH Adventure Days (10/18/23 & 5/8/24)
Junior ACT Testing (3/12/24)
Sophomore Forward Testing (4/16/24)

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Megan AckleyS2 WednesdaysHuman Society of Marathon CtyForm & Class list
Megan AckleyS2 FridaysHabitat for Humanity Re-StoreForm & Class list
Oosterhuis/Davis3/12/24UW Eau ClaireForm, no class list
Shulfer, Katie3/14/24Wausau Curling ClubForm & Class list
Cepress/Clay Reissmann3/15/24Center for Visual Arts-WausauForm & Class list
Megan Ackley3/19/24Cedar Creek CinemaForm & Class list
Miranda Ritger4/14-16/24Chula Vist, WI DellsForm & Class list
Ackley/Rice4/16/24Blessings in a BackpackForm & Class list
Jo Bailey4/29/24Ledge View Nature Center, ChiltonForm & Class list
DeBore/Thorpe/Dahlgren5/9/24Lake Wausau-Lake Clean-UpForm & Class list
Jo Bailey5/21-22/24Devils Lake State ParkForm & Class list

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May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...