Weekly Happenings
January Youth Apprentice of the Month is Madelyn DuBore with Health Science Pathway - Certified Nursing Assistant, Pride TLC, and 2nd Year Youth Apprentice.

Need to Know
Civil Rights Movement Presentation - Our social studies department presents a speaker on "The Movement Made Us" book authored by David Dennis Jr. in collaboration with David Dennis, Sr. Monday, March 4th from 9-10 a.m. We will be running a school wide alternative schedule. Juniors and a few others will be in attendance for this presentation. Sophomores and Seniors will be in advisory during this hour. We hope to have a few activities for each grade level that are needed at the time.

1st Semester Grades: If a student is receiving an F in your class - sometime in the next week or during our grading day next Monday, please enter a note under the student's name in grade guardian. The importance of this note is to give counselors and administration a little information about the students effort, work habits, etc. so that we can reference reasons for those failures while in meetings or phone calls with parents and students. We are not looking for a long entry. In most cases a bulleted list may be the most efficient. (i.e. Student missed 25 class periods - requested 17 times to ELT and only attended 3 - etc.). All grades are due on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd at 3:00pm. See email from Melissa Barwick for additional grading information.
Senior Failures - When entering the note for seniors, please click on the alert feature. Failed classes for seniors may jeopardize their graduation status and the counseling staff needs to know immediately if that is the case. This practice will replace the master Senior F list spreadsheet used in years past. (It is assumed that teachers have already discussed student progress if the student is receiving an F at some point throughout the semester).
Second Friday Count (Tuesday January 16) - The state-wide second Friday count will be moved to Tuesday. We will follow the modified schedule found in the shared staff folder.
Advisory this week - Due to limited ELTs next week, we have turned on the ELT request system for Wednesday. We have scheduled speakers regarding Registered Apprenticeships coming in so we will maintain the Advisory schedule, however instead of an ACP slideshow, you will have the opportunity to call in students you need to see right away. You will have your full advisory in your classroom. If you do not need to call in any students, use the scheduled advisory for 1 on 1 time.
Community Resource Fair - Please Save the Date and join us for our annual
Community Disability Resource Fair on February 24th at Wausau West. More details will be shared before the event.
Altered Schedules 1/18 & 1/19 - Please inform any dually enrolled students (freshmen, EVA, RVA, Homeschooled, other partial school enrollment) of the altered schedules for semester 1 exam final days. This way they will know the exact time of your class for that day. Check the shared folder for schedules.
Finals week - A reminder that all students are expected to attend their scheduled classes on Thursday and Friday where some sort of assessment activity will be happening. Students are not able to be excused from attending this period.
Snow Days - I wanted to remind you about our snow day plans since we've used one! We are scheduled for 2 free days prior to adjusting our schedule in any way. Our third day is currently scheduled to be made up on May 10. At that point, we would shift into virtual learning days as needed.
WACPC January 27th - On Saturday, January 27th the Senior High is hosting a large Dance competition throughout the day. Please be aware that classrooms will be used as team rooms. Take time to ensure your classroom is organized and valuable items are stored and put away.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Second semester conferences are Thursday and Monday, February 15th and 19th 3-6pm. If you are going to be gone for any reason, please let Dawn Seehafer know. As a reminder, make sure you talk to Mike about your absence.
Care My Way - The district is discontinuing the 'Care My Way at Work' program that was set up in the small conference room 209.
Weekly Advisory Notes & Links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14uhHyG38ZyHOSbaTJQ17AuxXM6KeZBHqeHWiVYGdsWM/edit
Staff Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tA9F8Uxtg_6GgTuocX64uuUGSrKEtCKq?usp=drive_link
Pride Tickets: All staff are asked to send three Pride tickets to students per week. Use the rotation calendar to help provide an equal rotation. Teachers are welcome to send more than directed on the calendar. This action step should increase the amount of positive feedback parents and students hear about all the good they are doing.
Pride Ticket Rotation schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10SwPkVNia-n4wB4mcWfWQQXlweW3WhIrKJK-I-tU5R4/edit#gid=0
Pride Ticket Website: https://pbis.dce.k12.wi.us/
Upcoming Dates
15 NO School
16 RESCHEDULED 'Second Friday Count' due to snow day
18 Semester 1 final exams, periods 4-10, 7:28-11:58am
19 Semester 1 final exams, periods 1-8, 8-11:20am
19 Last Day of Semester 1
22 No School - Teacher Grading Day
23 First Day of Semester 2
Closed PTO
The following dates are closed for PTO:
March 22 and May 24
Field Trips
Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
- Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
- Receive Principal's approval
- Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
- Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
- If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
- Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
- Complete Online Bus Request
- Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
- Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
- Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
- See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
- Field Trip Request Fillable Form
- Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
- Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if an overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.
*NO additional field trips on -
JH Adventure Days (10/18/23 & 5/8/24)
Junior ACT Testing (3/12/24)
Sophomore PreACT & Forward Testing (4/16/24)