Weekly Happenings

Welcome back! As the sun sets on Summer it's amazing to reflect on all the opportunity before us! We are in an amazing profession where we get to start fresh every year and be the best we can be for this incoming class of students! I am so looking forward to the coming year and the future experience of working with all of you in serving our students as they grow, discover, and change right before our eyes!
Let's start by welcoming our new staff members! Please find time in the coming week to seek these people out and welcome them to our school! We are very lucky to have a great group of incoming members to our team!
Molly Meurett - SWD/ID Cristin Czerwonka - Social Worker
Ian Zeinert - Math Mikayla Nowinsky - Nurse
Heidi Clark - Associate Cynthia Baumler - Server
Colette Fritz - Server Carol Katzer - Server

Olivia Ziebell - English Jamie Betry - Health
Jacob Engel - Math Carly Cleveland - Art
Rebecca Blaubach - F/CS Nicole Goff - Science
Phil Sturm - SWD/ID Maria Kloth - Housekeeper
Need to Know
Procedural Updates for the start of the year. Please take time to review this document by the end of this week including reviewing all linked documents. .
https://docs.google.com/document/d/10GE-6dRZuqYdCsUg5JmXF33WqfXBPAnckxdrRbNBhm0/editAnnouncements/Week Ahead
Sophomore Club/Activity Presentations: As part of the sophomore day on Tuesday, August 29th, there will be club/activity presentations in the senior high fieldhouse between 8:30-10 a.m. The sophomores will be divided into two groups each going to the field house for 30 minutes. It is asked that 2 upper classmen per club/activity be present. This is a great time for sophomores to learn about and possibly join your group. Please complete the google sheet linked below to sign up. Each group will be given a table with a large sign of your club/activities name on it. If there are special instructions needed, add those on this form also.
Please complete by the end of the day August 22nd. Thank you
Parent/Student Newsletter - The first newsletter of the school year was emailed through IC earlier in August. Here is the link to the senior high webpage if you are interested in looking at it: August Parent/Student Newsletter 2023 .
High School Phone Directory - The high school phone directory is linked here: SH Phone Directory. Please check your extension number and extra activities you are involved in after your name. Contact Heidi Bartlett with any changes.
High School Phone Name Display - Please let Dawn Seehafer know if the phone display on your room is wrong. With all the new employees and those changing rooms, we would like to keep the names accurate.
Upcoming Dates
22 Teachers and support staff return, teacher workdays
22 SH faculty meeting, SH IMC, 8-11am
22 10th grade teacher advisory meeting, SH IMC, 11-11:30am
22 Junior & Senior Open House, 1-4pm
22 ALL SH AP teacher meeting, Rm 369, 1:30-2pm
23 Department meetings & PLC planning, 8-12pm
23 8-12 ELA teachers &/or co-teachers of ELA makeup required PD, Greenheck conference room, 8:30-2:30pm
23 District athletic coaches meeting (ALL sports, ALL levels, athletic coaches), SH auditorium, 1-2:30pm
23 Sophomore Open House, 2:30-5:30pm
24 6-12 co-teaching partnership teachers with Casey Gretzinger, JH multipurpose room
24 SH secretaries & aides year-beginning meeting, SH IMC, 8-9am
24 Casey Nye's kickoff, SH auditorium, 11:15AM
24 District lunch, SH commons, 11:45-12:30
24 Executive Functioning with Sara Ward for secondary, SH Auditorium, 12:30-3:30pm
25 Off
28 Off (late new hirees attend All Day New Employee Orientation, 7-4pm
29 Sophomore orientation with club/activity fair, 7:28-2:40pm, NO school for 11th & 12th
30-31 All 10th-12th report, Advisory time schedule
1 NO school
4 NO school, Labor Day
5-8 Advisory time schedule
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