D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
D.C. Everest’s culinary program was honored to host world-renowned Chef Brandon Chrostowski in our recently renovated culinary room.
Great work by Todd Bohm, Karen Wegge, and many more who were able to get Steve Jones here for his presentation last week. His inspiring message focused on serving others - recognizing that we can't change the world, but we can change the world for the person we're interacting with, and taking advantage of all of the get to (instead of got to) moments we encounter on a daily basis!
Announcements/Week Ahead
Semester 1 Grading -
- Grading window will open the morning of Monday, January 9th.
- Semester 1 ends on Friday, January 13th.
- Monday, January 16th, is a day scheduled for grading. Once you have your grades entered and you want to verify that they are all in, please send me an email and I can check for you.
- Teachers will NOT have to enter a grade for Success Skill: Responsibility.
- S1 grades will be due by 12:00pm on Tuesday, January 17th. Grading window closes at 12pm. There is additional work for S1 grades so please have your grades in on time.
- If there needs to be any changes to a S1 grade after 12:00pm on Tuesday, January 17th, please email me the information with the new grade, include course name and section number.
- S1 grades will be posted to report card and transcripts on Friday, January 20th and will be available on the parent portal. S1 Report Cards will NOT be printed.
Monday, January 16th Grade from anywhere day - A reminder that teachers can grade from anywhere on Monday, however teachers must be able to take a phone call and engage in a meeting if requested. If a teacher is unable to do that, then PTO would be appropriate.
REMINDER: Autism Training - Don’t forget that Lisa Ladson will be in the district to provide PD. All of her PD opportunities are on Frontline for staff to sign-up - associates may get paid for this training. A reminder of her first session:
- January 18 and 19
- How to Manage When Emotions Get Big - Do you know students who get stuck in emotional responses, sometimes leading to meltdowns or dysregulation? Are you feeling stuck with what strategies to use to help them support them in calming down? Emotional regulation is one’s ability to recognize and process emotions as well as one’s ability to manage or balance emotional responses. In this training, participants will receive an overview of the neurological and physiological responses that can be activated when students (and adults!) are experiencing a stress response. We will explore practices and strategies to use to help us all regulate our stress responses and return to a calmer state of being.
- February 2 and 3
- Understanding, Supporting and Teaching Executive Functioning Skills for your Students - The purpose of this training is to help participants identify specific areas of executive functioning deficits in their students and develop the ability to effectively support and teach students who struggle with executive functioning skills. This includes identifying students who struggle with organization, planning, initiation, staying on task, impulse control, emotional regulation and adaptability and resiliency. The educational impact of each of these areas will be explored and discussed. Participants will learn strategies and supports that can be used to address executive functioning challenges as it relates to classroom participation and performance.
ACCESS Testing - January 19 and 24 there will be 52 EL students taking the mandatory ACCESS language exam including 4 tests: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Testing will begin after the period 3 start bell rings in rooms 331, 216, and the auditorium. Bells will be turned off for the rest of the school day until the 2:40pm bell.
Advisory this week!: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IcziFtfLOO74wOt9KQWvLQPH3UteLLfW5-zJEUQ3XyY/edit
Staff/Faculty Folder: Linked
Important Dates
16 No School, PD for Grading
17 Quarter 3 begins
17 Jostens returns for graduating caps, gowns, tassel, etc. ordering
18 Faculty Meeting, 2:50-3:30 pm
19 ACCESS Testing P3 on, No bells during testing, 2:40 bell will ring
24 ACCESS Testing P3 on, No bells during testing, 2:40 bell will ring
25 BLT Meeting, Rm 369, 2:50-4pm
28 Dance Regionals here at the senior high
22-23 Clubs/Activities Meeting Calendar: Linked Here
Upcoming Field Trips
Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:- Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
- Receive Principal's approval
- Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
- Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
- If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
- Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
- Complete Online Bus Request
- Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
- Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
- Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
- See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
District Forms:
Field Trip Request Fillable Form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.
*NO additional field trips on -JH Adventure Day (10/19/22 & 4/26/23)Junior ACT Testing (3/7/23 & 4/11/23)Sophomore Forward Testing (3/29/23)Sophomore Aspire Testing (TBD)
Complete the following at least 2-weeks prior of your field trip:
- Consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling
- Receive Principal's approval
- Make arrangements for payment/cost of trip
- Complete request form, attach student list (alpha with student's name, no nicknames, & ID number)
- If taking busses, student lists by bus with staff member name (health supplies for specific students will be packaged per bus).
- Verify each student field trip permission form is on file in IC
- Complete Online Bus Request
- Schedule appointment with Health Aide to review details about the trip
- Notice of trip and itinerary sent home
- Notify special education department/case manager of students attending the trip
- See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
Field Trip Request Fillable Form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.
JH Adventure Day (10/19/22 & 4/26/23)
Junior ACT Testing (3/7/23 & 4/11/23)
Sophomore Forward Testing (3/29/23)
Sophomore Aspire Testing (TBD)
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