D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
Happy Homecoming!
I have to share. At our first home football game two weeks ago I looked in the stands following the game and saw about 5 students going row by row and cleaning the bleachers. After this Friday's game I saw more than 20 students. I asked one of the leaders if they were asked to do it and if not why were they doing it. Her response - "It was dirty."
We talk about culture - defined as behavior - One student, saw the bleachers dirty after the first game. We now have more than 20 cleaning the bleachers. This student exemplifies "leading from where you are." We all have influence over others - We are all leaders. I've been thinking over the impact that student has had by one small act - #EverestPride
Great work Joe Finnegan and anyone who donated to help provide funding for band students next Summer to travel abroad! https://www.waow.com/news/top-stories/donated-shoe-fundraiser-covers-cost-of-student-trip/article_6dd80780-3559-11ed-ae09-9b3947f223dc.html
Announcements/Week Ahead
Club/Activity Meeting Calendar - It was suggested to put together a calendar showing when meetings were taken place and where. If you are an advisor, please put your meetings on this calendar through May if known. Pay special attention to how many other groups are listed and pick a day that is least signed up for. Here is the link: Club/Activity Meeting Calendar 2022-23
The JH is beyond excited to re-engage in Adventure Day this year knowing it provides many of their students with opportunities they wouldn’t experience otherwise. The dates are October 19 and April 26. Knowing that transportation is a challenge due to a driver shortage, please avoid field trips for those days as much as possible.Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) - A reminder that temporary extension for Federal PSLF forms are due by 10/31/22. Staff requesting employment verification for PSLF can send forms to Riana Mefferd at rmefferd@dce.k12.wi.us.
Funeral Leave Codes in Skyward - Soon to be new in Skyward- in the unfortunate event that you need to request funeral leave, you will be prompted to select the appropriate code based on your relationship to the deceased and add a detailed description in the box. This will hopefully minimize your supervisor needing to contact you regarding details while you are on leave. A reminder that our employee handbook lists the exact number of days allotted per relationship.
Preferred Subs - Please make sure you enter your preferred subs into Frontline.
PD Opportunity-QPR (Question,Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Training - In recognition of Suicide Prevention Month, DCE will be offering QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training to anyone who is interested in becoming a QPR-trained Gatekeeper. What does this mean? From this training you will be able to: recognize the warning signs of suicide, know how to offer hope, know how to get help and save a life. This is a two hour training (one evening) that will be offered the following days/times at:
- October 6th from 4:30 - 6:30 (Junior High IMC)
- October 20th from 5:30 - 7:30 (Junior High IMC)
- November 3rd from 4:30 - 6:30 (Senior High rm: 310)
Trainers: Debi Traeder, Certified QPR trainer - Prevent Suicide Marathon County
Brooke Davis, DCE Counselor, Certified QPR trainer - Prevent Suicide Marathon County
Covid Testing Site Times - DCE will be offering onsite Covid testing for staff and students only (not family members) starting September 19th. The times available are Monday 8am-2:30pm and Wednesday 2-8pm. The site is our current Maintenance Building by the SH Campus.
A message from our Mental Health and Wellness and Trauma Training Team https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fH14Eq7tAwT38_E-y8JdfG8yyUiowsgidD5AwNNmNVE/edit
Advisory this week!: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IcziFtfLOO74wOt9KQWvLQPH3UteLLfW5-zJEUQ3XyY/edit
Staff/Faculty Folder: Linked
Important Dates
18-24 Homecoming Week
18 Hall decorating, 4-7 p.m.
19 Spirit Day: PJs/Groutfit
19 Powderbuff Boys Volleyball, SH field house, 7 p.m.
20 Spirit Day: Greek
21 Spirit Day: Adam Sandler
21 Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 p.m.
21 Powderpuff Girls Football, Stiehm Stadium
22 Spirit Day: Surfers & Bikers
23 Spirit Day: Everest Pride/School Spirit
23 Altered Assembly Schedule for Homecoming
23 Homecoming Parade, starts
23 Homecoming Game vs. Wisconsin Rapids
24 Homecoming Dance @ SH, 7:30-10:30 p.m.
26 Academic Letter Awards Night @ SH
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list with ID# 2 weeks prior to trip.District Forms:
Field Trip Request Fillable Form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent and Release of Information fillable form
Overnight or Out of State Trip Parent Consent for MEDICAL Treatment and Release of Information
The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.
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