D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Teacher Appreciation Week - Student Council will again this year treat us with food and games. Here is the schedule for all staff to enjoy:
Monday coffee/donuts in staff lounge
Wednesday lunch provided in the teacher's lounge
Friday lunch provided in the teacher's lounge
Treats/competitions throughout the week
Weekly Happenings
Big Thank you to Jen and Corey Gipp, Karry Salber, Julie Rice, Jenna Peplinski, Rachel Lintereur, Officer Frank, Jeff See, Audrey Kemp, and CJ Hansen for chaperoning and helping make Prom 2022 go off very successfully! Great night despite the rain!
Last Wednesday the Marathon County Honoring Excellence banquet took place where our valedictorians and salutatorians had the opportunity to recognize their honored educator. Ben Prunuske and his honored educator Dawn Whitsett. Katie Kloth and her honored educator Scott Atkinson. Cadence Strahota and her honored educator Joe Finnegan, and Brian Kee and his honored educator Bill Heeren.
Thank you to Julie Rice and Megan Ackley for organizing the blood drive last week!
Congratulations to
Chad Pagenkopf and the students of our autos classes who were able to show off their work on their vehicles throughout the semester at the car show last week!

Thank you to our students for wearing their beautiful Hmong clothing to celebrate Hmong Heritage Month. We love the diversity and appreciate them sharing their culture within our school!
Thank you to Jodi and Jenny for offering college awareness bootcamps during advisory last Wednesday!
Lastly - Huge Shoutout to Melissa for setting up a great front entrance art show last week! Another example of our talented students!
Announcements/Week Ahead
May is Mental Health Awareness Month - With mental health entering more and more of our daily conversations, it’s critical that everyone has a solid foundation of knowledge about mental health. That’s why for Mental Health Month this year, Mental Health America is getting back to basics. We will share out information each week with our students during Wellness Wednesdays!
Addressing mental health symptoms early is critically important for overall health. While 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health.
Wear your Wellness Day T-shirts every Wednesday for the Month of May to bring awareness~ And if your seen wearing your t-shirt maybe a surprise will show up in your mailbox!
Update from Sunshine - Our condolences go out to Scot Abel for the passing of his mother. Please keep Scot and his family in your thoughts during this difficult time.
Struggling students - I want to thank everyone who is going above and beyond to support all students throughout the semester. As we move into May please keep going for the final push to support students. If the student is in special education or in Valor or New Horizons please be in regular contact with their case worker.
Aspire Testing: A shout out to Sara Pinsonneault for the behind-the-scenes test set up and post-test clean up. That's a wrap for Aspire this year!
AP Testing Schedule: A reminder that students leaving for an afternoon test will be excused at 10:45 to grab lunch and get to their testing site in time. Students testing in the morning will be expected to be back to school by 8/9
Team DCE Green Staff Shirts - I have been told that there continues to be district officials on the look out for staff wearing their green Team DCE shirts on Friday - Just reminding you that if you are spotted wearing one there may be a sugary treat coming your way.
Graduation Ceremony Faculty Seating - As a tradition, we are looking for 20 faculty members to lead in students and sit at the end of a row during the graduation ceremony. Class advisors, department coordinators and department chairs have already been added to this seating chart. Please let me know if any other faculty members would like to see your ELT seniors walk as we will try to seat you closest to those students. Please contact Dawn Seehafer if interested.
Senior Teachers - Parade of Graduates - If you teach Seniors please plan on being apart of the Parade of Graduates on the 25th from 9-11 and Graduation practice from 12:15 - 2. More information to come!
2 AP US Govt & Politics test, Mount Olive, 7:30-11:15am
3 AP Psychology test, Mount Olive, 212, 369, IMC Room A, 11:30-2pm
4 AP Comparative Govt & Politics test, Mount Olive, 11:45-3pm
4 AP English Lit test, Mount Olive, 212, & IMC Rm A, 7:30-11:30am
5 AP Human Geography test, Bethany Church, 7:30-11:15am
5 AP Macroeconomics test, Rm 212, 7:30-11:15am
5 AP Statistics test, Bethany Church, 11:30-3:15pm
11 Academic Scholarship Night at 7 pm
13 NO School
15 Athletic Awards Night at 6 pm
18 Seniors must pay all fines & fees by 3 p.m.
20 Senior iPad, cord & block must be turned in to IT off of IMC
20 Senior's Last Day
25 Parade of Graduates 9:15-11:00 am
25 Graduation Practice 12-1:30 pm
25 Graduation from 6-9 pm - All teachers required to attend
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list with ID# 2 weeks prior to trip.
Field Trip Forms from District (click on PO2340: District Sponsored Trips, scroll to the bottom and find forms needed depending on day or overnight request. The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.