D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
This is the way to start our Winter Break! From Erin Jacobson:
AMAZING THANK YOU to the staff and community that allow this day to happen!
We took 58 kids shopping on Friday!
35 kids who were invited but unable to attend today!
Items were purchased as gifts for others and themselves!
"I never knew this store was in Rib Mountain"
"I have never been here before, there is so much to look at"
"I have never gotten new pants before"
"I am so excited to be able to give my siblings holiday gifts"
The product the kids leave with is fun! But the experience is why we provide it!
Kids were extremely thankful and appreciative!
Huge thank you to staff who helped and support(ed) this experience!
Congratulations to Ann Johnson on a fantastic Orchestra concert last Tuesday! Also a big congratulations to Cristie Bates for her choir concert on Sunday! Beautiful music by our talented students!
Congratulations to Ty Strehlow as well as his father/coach Tim Strehlow on representing Everest at the Win Brockmeyer award ceremony on Friday. Wish Ty congratulations when you see him!
Saturday, Key Club partnered with the Wausau Fire Department to wrap over 100 presents for families in need - Great work by these students - Megan and Julie!
Great event on Friday with Project Unified! So many students donating their time to connect with classmates and make everyone's day a little better! Thank you to Karen Wegge for all of her work in setting it up!!!
Announcements/Week Ahead
An update from Sunshine - Our condolences go out to Maria Prust and her family. Maria's dad passed away this past week. We are wishing her comfort and our support in the coming weeks.
MCREA Grants - The Marathon County Retired Educator’s Association will again be awarding two grants of up to $550 each to Marathon County public school educators. Please see
Grant Information if you are interested.
Dress Up Days - Student council dress up days are listed below. Thank you to everyone who made the "Anything but a backpack day work!" Feel free to join in the Holiday spirit and dress up with the students!
Senior Ball - The next Senior Ball meeting is Tuesday during ELT with Mrs. Roskopf. We have had limited participation from students so far.
Please plug the need for more help in organizing with Senior students on Monday and Tuesday. Food Delivery - Just under 100 boxes of food will be delivered Monday. If you are still interested in delivering check the food delivery list or contact Erin Jacobson. If you would like to help load vehicles meet out back after school!
Finals Expectations - It is expected that all teachers are giving some sort of assessment during their scheduled final exam schedule on January 13 and 14. Whether that be a summative final, smaller assessment, or culminating activity - all students are required to be here for their scheduled periods and all teachers are required to be giving an assessment. See Mike if you have any questions.
Semester 1 Final Exam Schedules & 2nd Friday Count - The finals schedules for January 13th and 14th are below. Due to the state mandatory 2nd Friday Count in January, there will be an extra 5 minutes added to period 2 on the 14th. More information regarding the count will be emailed closer to those days. They are also linked here to post in your classrooms: January 2022 S1 Final Exams.
Important Dates:
20 "Holiday Comfy Clothes Day"
21 "Ugly Holiday Sweater Day"
22 "Holiday Accessory Day"
22 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm Canceled
23-2 Winter Break
3 School Resumes
10 Grading Table opens
11 Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, JH IMC
12 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
19 Faculty meeting in IMC, 2:50 PM
26 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
26 School Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm
17 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17 Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours
25 Graduation 6-9 pm
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.
*NO additional field trips on
- 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
- JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf. Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

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