D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
A few pictures from DECA's Trick or Can Food collection last week.
Congratulations to Beau Svoke and Simon Nazari-Witt who put on a volleyball tournament as part of their creative marketing solutions class. They were able to raise $636.50 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Announcements/Week Ahead
Learning Advocates - We have hired Greg Peterson to serve as a learning advocate for the remainder of the year. In this role Greg will make contact with students on REM out more than three days - will ask them what type of assistance they need and may follow up with you as a teacher. Additionally, Greg will check with students when they return. He will work out of the back English/Social Studies student areas and is available to help teachers as they work to catch students up from learning loss. Greg will have a phone extension and a school email. Please utilize Greg to help you with students on REM. We are still looking for an additional learning advocate to help specifically with Math support for students on REM. More to come on that...
United Way Campaign - The United Way Campaign snuck up on us this year. All employees should have received an individualized email directly from the United Way this morning around 8 a.m. DCE's campaign runs from November 8-17. More information will follow with daily prizes from Karry Salber.
Human Resources @ SH for Open Enrollment Assistance - Open Enrollment began on November 1 and ends on November 19, 2021. HR will be at the senior high on Tuesday, November 9 from 11-3:30 pm in room 209 to help with any additional question or assistance in enrolling. No appointment is needed, just stop in.
Parent-Teacher Conference Teacher Appointment Schedules - Thursday, November 11 and Monday, November 15, is parent-teacher conferences from 3-6 pm with a built-in 20-minute break. A few reminders regarding conferences:
- Here is the link to view your schedules and info lookup directions. Teachers cannot change their schedule, contact Dawn if needed.
- Please view your online schedule frequently. If a parent calls, Dawn will add/delete/change their schedule if possible.
- Check your "Parents/Guardians Needing a Different Time" listing and contact them when you have time.
- Parents can add/delete/change their conference(s) up to 24 hours prior to conferences.
- Dawn will be in the main office both nights at ext. 4021, if needed.
- There will be treats in the teacher's lounge. Please come down during your break and enjoy.
Faculty Meeting - Our next faculty meeting will be Wednesday, November 17 at 2:50 pm in the IMC. Please see Mike if you are unable to attend.
Semester Finals - Here is the link to the
2021-22 Final Exam schedules. Please note that Thursday is for periods 4-10 and Friday is for periods 1-3. Per the BLT conversation - it is an expectation that all teachers are conducting an assessment of some sort during their scheduled class time. This could be a comprehensive assessment, unit assessment, or project assessment. Students are not allowed to be excused from their scheduled time.
Important Dates:
8 No School, PD for Grading
9 Quarter 2 Begins
9 Open Enrollment Help, Rm 209, 11-3:30 pm by HR
10 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, Rm 310/329, 2:50 pm
11 Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
15 Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
17 Faculty Meeting, 2:50 pm
23 Normal School Day
24 No School
25-26 Thanksgiving Holiday!
30 NHS Induction Ceremony practice in IMC during ELT
1 NHS Induction Ceremony
2 Spring Sports Student signup, ELT
8 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14 Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, Middle School IMC
15 Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 pm
15 Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm
22 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
23-2 Winter Break
17 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17 Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours
25 Graduation 6-9 pm
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
*NO additional field trips on
- 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
- JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf. Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

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