Sunday, November 28, 2021

November 29 - December 3

   D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Thank you all for helping deliver food last week!  Amazing work by amazing people!

Interesting Information

The Critical Element of Self-Efficacy
Chase Mielke

High school chemistry class and I did not mix (if I had studied more, I would have come up with a better chemistry pun than that). Very few classes made my brain feel so floppy. What the junk is a mole? Iso-what? Who is making this stuff up? Where's Bill Nye when I need him!?

Yet, beneath my confusion and general teenage apathy was a respect and admiration that still lingers. Chemists make the magical rational—researching and explaining how things we can't see with the naked eye affect every aspect of life. They understand how one subatomic shift can transform whole elements. They are the ultimate demystifiers.

Though my knowledge of mole units and Mohs's scale is still woeful, I've always sought a chemist's lens when thinking about education. What are the elements of effective instruction? How are we actually measuring engagement? How does the science of learning inform our decisions? How do we demystify the molecular universe of teaching?

The last decade and a half of teaching, coaching, and PD training has shown me that there are countless elements of effective instruction. However, whether we are talking about engaging learners, embracing innovation, or battling burnout, there is one element that is fundamentally necessary for bringing education to life.

The Critical Element

Among the many elements that make up an effective educator, the most important is self-efficacy—the belief that one has the abilities and resources necessary to accomplish a set goal. Much as life wouldn't exist without carbon, imagine life without self-efficacy. Actually, you don't need to imagine it because you've seen it in action. A student lacking self-efficacy yields to learned helplessness. A department without self-efficacy falters and fights when there's a need to try something new. And a teacher without self-efficacy doesn't stay a teacher for long.

The data on self-efficacy and its effects on teaching and learning is robust. For example, high levels of teacher self-efficacy are linked to:
  • Increased persistence and patience when helping struggling students learn.
  • Greater willingness to try new approaches.
  • Increased parental involvement in school.
  • Higher levels of student achievement across diverse demographics.
  • Increased job satisfaction.
  • Lower levels of burnout, exhaustion, and apathy. (Leithwood, 2006)
Ironically, teachers with high self-efficacy are more likely to seek out support and are more open to coaching. In other words, investing in individual self-efficacy may open the door for more collaborative collective efficacy.

Self-efficacy, however, is more than just the building block of collective efficacy. It is the critical element behind teacher well-being, innovation, engagement, and student performance. Yet it often gets lost in our school improvement plans. How many times have we ushered in a new initiative without a solid plan for supporting teachers to be efficacious in its application? How many evaluative conversations have taken place without the ongoing modeling, feedback, and coaching necessary to facilitate efficacy and growth? Sure, we might know what a teacher needs to do to improve. But do we model and support how to grow?

We have solid hypotheses, but we need to test, study, analyze, and share out the results like true scientists would. Let's start by understanding the makeup of efficacy.

The Subatomic Particles

One of the key researchers and voices on self-efficacy, Albert Bandura (1994), argued that four major sources influence our sense of self-efficacy:
  • Mastery Experiences: Success in working toward a goal increases our beliefs and skills in achieving similar—and more challenging—future goals. This is the most influential way to build efficacy.
  • Social Modeling: We often evaluate our abilities (or lack thereof) by comparing ourselves to others. When we observe others, we can learn from what they did to be successful—or not—and integrate their experiences into our own.
  • Verbal Persuasion: What people say to us influences our self-efficacy. If I'm criticized, I begin to doubt my efficacy. If I'm praised, coached, or supported, my efforts are validated and my self-efficacy improves. Verbal persuasion can also be a vicarious experience (e.g., if a colleague is criticized for something I also do, I might question my own self-efficacy).
  • Emotional Arousal: Mood and emotion can affect our self-efficacy. For example, research has shown that when workers attend to or make an effort to recall positive emotions, self-efficacy rises (Buonomo, Fiorilli, & Benevene, 2019).
So, whether we are implementing a new literacy curriculum, revamping our multi-tiered system of supports, or trying to overcome burnout, we should build mastery experiences, social modeling, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal into the chemistry of teachers' work. But how?

Transmutational Moves

Having put self-efficacy under the microscope, let's look at a few of the transmutational moves you can make to apply Bandura's influences and power a teacher efficacy boost.

1. Facilitate Instructional Bonding

Too often, we are stuck in the same pedagogical state because there aren't enough opportunities to observe, practice, and get feedback on different approaches. We are like molecules trying to change ourselves without outside forces or reactions. The best transmutational move any school can take is to facilitate instructional bonding through high-quality coaching and peer collaboration.

Consider that high-quality coaching provides social modeling through observing oneself or others, mastery experiences as teachers find success with new skills, and verbal persuasion through supportive dialogues with coaches and colleagues. Plus, effective coaching adds emotional arousal through affirmation and constructive feedback on what one is doing well.

One of the best places to start is to record instruction and review the video with a coach. When teachers see their teaching as it truly happened, they can focus on facts, minimizing the self-preservation that gets in the way of growth in efficacy. Conversations move from subjective evaluation to objective collaboration as a means to improve teaching.

In my district, we've implemented TeachFX, an audio-analysis app, to get more objective data for professional development discussions. Teachers use the app to record themselves and get a detailed data report and transcription of their teacher-to-student talk ratios. Our coaching team looks at these trends both individually and collectively and documents areas where we need to improve. For example, "Our high school is doing great providing opportunities for individual students to respond, but we can improve on student-to-student collaboration."

High-quality instructional bonding is the most powerful fusion you can make for increased self-efficacy.

2. Create Positive Charge

Learning is hard. Teaching is hard. Facing change and challenge and energetic children is hard. The motivation and volition to take on these hard things, then, requires positive emotion. Put more simply: We don't do unpleasant things unless there is a payoff.

So, educators need to make it a mission to actively create, seek, and reflect upon positive experiences as often as possible. Whether it is keeping a gratitude journal, replacing "vent sessions" with "victory sessions," or actively and authentically praising others, we get countless opportunities each day to cultivate positive emotion. Research on well-being shows that frequency of positive emotion is more important than intensity (Fredrickson, 1998). A day of minor victories is better than a month with one major win.

One fine point on leveraging this principle for school leaders and influencers is that you want to try to tie positive emotion as tightly as possible to the teaching experience. Sure, rewards of free coffee and donuts are always welcome, but what teachers want more is affirmation that their practice is making a difference. And let's be clear: Affirmation is different than constructive feedback. If a teacher's practice needs to improve, revert to high-quality coaching. But also look for what is going well. How do we help teachers feel positive while teaching is happening, not just when teaching is over?

You don't need to schedule an observation to do it. A handwritten note, an email, a 10-second conversation in the hallway—all of these are viable ways to let teachers know what they're doing well. Just be sure you're delivering a "no strings attached" affirmation. Don't praise a teacher as a means of motivation. Praise good teaching because it's good teaching. And praise it often because good teaching is happening every day.

Though our chemical equations may be different, our most important element is a motivated, skillful teacher—the efficacious educator. Whether we want to stabilize or spark change, solidify communities, or dissipate ideas, we need to invest in the chemistry of teacher self-efficacy.

Announcements/Week Ahead

National Honor Society - The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, December 1st at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.  They will also have a practice during ELT on Tuesday, November 30th in the auditorium.

Important Dates:

29        BLT meeting in 310/329

30        NHS Induction Ceremony practice in IMC during ELT

1           NHS Induction Ceremony
2           Spring Sports Student signup, ELT
8           BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14         Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, Middle School IMC
15         Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 pm
15         Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm
22         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
23-2      Winter Break

17          Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17          Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25           Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Jodi Peterson12/2/21Green BayForm & Class List
Jennifer Gipp12/10/21Greenheck/Mini-Business WorldForm & Class List

Sunday, November 21, 2021

November 22 - November 23

D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Congratulations to the Cast, Crew, and Directors of the Junie B. Jones musical!

During this past week, we celebrated our Youth Apprentices during National Apprenticeship Week. We have 36 students working within the Agriculture, Construction, Finance, Health, Hospitality, Manufacturing, and TDL (Automotive) areas. These students are participating in the state-wide Youth Apprenticeship Program that combines academic and technical instruction with mentored, paid, on-the-job learning that makes a real-world connection. YA's work a minimum of 450 hours at their site, earn high school elective credit, and a state-issued skills certificate recognized by employers. See the attached images of those who participated in the group photo and a pic from Tuesday's YA To-Go Breakfast...a big "Shout Out" to our cafeteria staff for preparing an amazing display. See the links below for a listing of our current YA's and spotlight stories on Cody Klobucnik and Alumnus Jacob Wendorf.

Great story about the Habitat House built by our students

Congratulations Brad Seeley on being selected a Brooks Inspiring Coach of the year!

Announcements/Week Ahead

National Honor Society - The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, December 1st at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.  They will also have a practice during ELT on Tuesday, November 30th in the auditorium.

Thanksgiving Vacation - Wishing all of you a "Happy Thanksgiving."  I have been reminded often how much I have to be thankful for.  Enjoy the extended break!

Important Dates:

22&23        Normal School Day
24               No School
25-26          Thanksgiving Holiday!
30               NHS Induction Ceremony practice in IMC during ELT

1                  NHS Induction Ceremony
2                  Spring Sports Student signup, ELT
8                  BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14                Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, Middle School IMC
15                Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 pm
15                Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm
22                BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
23-2             Winter Break

17                 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17                 Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25                 Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. 

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Jodi Peterson12/2/21Green BayForm & Class List

Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 15 - November 19

   D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

37 DCE Senior High students participated in the Wisconsin Operating Engineers Externship Day in Coloma, WI on Tuesday, November 9th.
Over 800 students from across the state took part in this event to learn about the high-demand career path.  Students toured the 400 Acre State-of-the Art Training Center; learned about career opportunities, contractor employment requirements, and Pre-apprenticeship Program; and participated in hands-on experience with the mini-excavators and simulators.


Congratulations to these students for being part of the D.C. Everest High School Youth Apprenticeship program. Upon successful completion of the program students receive high school elective credit, earn while you learn employment, and a state recognized skills certificate from the Department of Workforce Development. We are proud of their commitment to balance both academics and rewarding workplace learning experiences. 

Monday: YA students come to room 322 after 3rd hour to receive a recognition gift

Tuesday: YA students come to room 322 after 3rd hour to receive a special treat

Wednesday: YA students meet at the Main Entrance after 3rd hour for a Group Photo- Wear your New YA T-shirt for the picture

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: Students and Staff come visit the Youth Apprenticeship Table during Lunch and learn more about the program. 

Brogan Barttelt

Kevin Erbrecht

Jakob Landwehr

Maria Rubio-Sanchez

Emily Ziegelbauer

Mackenzie Bessette

Ian Jacobsen

Michael Nass

Ella Tatro

Breanna Zingler

Jori Buckmaster

Ricky Jiang

Annika Nye

Juliana Thao

Edison Zynda

Dakota Buhr

Kayla Johnson

Emmitt Peterson

Lee Por Vang

Grace Zywicki

Colton Ciomber

Cody Kloucnik

Haley Potaracke

Heather Wasmundt

Jayden Merrick

Haley Clark

Jacob Kuehl

Shelby Prahl

Garret Wiedenbeck

Quentin Dallman

Reese Kurasz

Hanna Rickert

Carson Woller

Richard Doan

Keaton Labarge

Trayton Rowland

Sher Thor Xiong

Announcements/Week Ahead

Learning Advocate Greg Peterson - Greg starting last Wednesday.  He will work out of the back English/Social Studies student areas and is available to help teachers as they work to catch students up from learning loss. Each day Greg will spend much of his time reaching out to students on REM, making sure they are making academic progress, and hopefully connecting student needs with teachers.  Greg's phone extension is ext. 4353 and school email is  Please utilize Greg to help you with students on REM or feel free to ask him to help a student who needs some help after returning from REM.

Parent-Teacher Conference Teacher Appointment Schedules - The last night of conferences is  Monday, November 15, from 3-6 pm with a built-in 20-minute break.  A few reminders regarding conferences: 

  1. Here is the link to view your schedules and info lookup directions.  Teachers cannot change their schedule, contact Dawn if needed.
  2. Please view your online schedule frequently. If a parent calls, Dawn will add/delete/change their schedule if possible.
  3. Check your "Parents/Guardians Needing a Different Time" listing and contact them when you have time.
  4. Parents can add/delete/change their conference(s) up to 24 hours prior to conferences.
  5. Dawn will be in the main office both nights at ext. 4021, if needed.
  6. There will be treats in the teacher's lounge. Please come down during your break and enjoy.
Faculty Meeting - Our next faculty meeting will be Wednesday, November 17 at 2:50 pm in the IMC.  Please see Dawn if you are unable to attend.

Healthy Insurance Open Enrollment began November 1 and runs through Friday, November 19, 2021.  

**All health insurance eligible employees must complete Active Enrollment (making a plan selection or waiving coverage) for the Health Insurance by returning the proper forms during the Open Enrollment period.**

The forms, as well as detailed plan information, can be found on the Staff Intranet linked here:

If you are not making any changes to your Dental or Vision, no action is required for those plans. The Health insurance requires a plan selection. Dependent Care Flexible Spending requires re-enrollment via your online EBC account.

All forms must be turned in to Riana Mefferd by 3:30 pm on November 19, 2021, with the exception of Dependent Care Flexible Spending which is an online enrollment process.

Any questions regarding Open Enrollment and/or employee benefits can be directed to Riana Mefferd either by email, or by attending the last school session below:

Location                                        Date                    Time

IDEA/Odyssey - Conf Room        Nov. 16                11-3:30pm

15        Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
17        Faculty Meeting, 2:50 pm
23        Normal School Day
24        No School
25-26   Thanksgiving Holiday!
30        NHS Induction Ceremony practice in IMC during ELT

1          NHS Induction Ceremony
2          Spring Sports Student signup, ELT
8          BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14        Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, Middle School IMC
15        Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 pm
15        Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm
22        BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
23-2     Winter Break

17        Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17        Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25        Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Scot Abel11/17/21Twin Oaks, School ForestForm & Class List
Scot Abel11/18/21Twin Oaks, School ForestForm & Class List
Jodi Peterson12/2/21Green BayForm & Class List

Monday, November 8, 2021

November 8 - November 12

  D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

A few pictures from DECA's Trick or Can Food collection last week.

Congratulations to Beau Svoke and Simon Nazari-Witt who put on a volleyball tournament as part of their creative marketing solutions class.  They were able to raise $636.50 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Announcements/Week Ahead

Learning Advocates - We have hired Greg Peterson to serve as a learning advocate for the remainder of the year. In this role Greg will make contact with students on REM out more than three days - will ask them what type of assistance they need and may follow up with you as a teacher.  Additionally, Greg will check with students when they return.  He will work out of the back English/Social Studies student areas and is available to help teachers as they work to catch students up from learning loss. Greg will have a phone extension and a school email.  Please utilize Greg to help you with students on REM.  We are still looking for an additional learning advocate to help specifically with Math support for students on REM. More to come on that...

United Way Campaign - The United Way Campaign snuck up on us this year.  All employees should have received an individualized email directly from the United Way this morning around 8 a.m.  DCE's campaign runs from November 8-17.  More information will follow with daily prizes from Karry Salber.  

Human Resources @ SH for Open Enrollment Assistance - Open Enrollment began on November 1 and ends on November 19, 2021.  HR will be at the senior high on Tuesday, November 9 from 11-3:30 pm in room 209 to help with any additional question or assistance in enrolling.  No appointment is needed, just stop in.

Parent-Teacher Conference Teacher Appointment Schedules - Thursday, November 11 and Monday, November 15, is parent-teacher conferences from 3-6 pm with a built-in 20-minute break.  A few reminders regarding conferences: 
  1. Here is the link to view your schedules and info lookup directions.  Teachers cannot change their schedule, contact Dawn if needed.
  2. Please view your online schedule frequently. If a parent calls, Dawn will add/delete/change their schedule if possible.
  3. Check your "Parents/Guardians Needing a Different Time" listing and contact them when you have time.
  4. Parents can add/delete/change their conference(s) up to 24 hours prior to conferences.
  5. Dawn will be in the main office both nights at ext. 4021, if needed.
  6. There will be treats in the teacher's lounge. Please come down during your break and enjoy.
Faculty Meeting - Our next faculty meeting will be Wednesday, November 17 at 2:50 pm in the IMC.  Please see Mike if you are unable to attend.

Semester Finals - Here is the link to the 2021-22 Final Exam schedules.  Please note that Thursday is for periods 4-10 and Friday is for periods 1-3.  Per the BLT conversation - it is an expectation that all teachers are conducting an assessment of some sort during their scheduled class time.  This could be a comprehensive assessment, unit assessment, or project assessment.  Students are not allowed to be excused from their scheduled time.

Important Dates:

8          No School, PD for Grading
9          Quarter 2 Begins
9          Open Enrollment Help, Rm 209, 11-3:30 pm by HR
10        BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, Rm 310/329, 2:50 pm
11        Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
15        Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
17        Faculty Meeting, 2:50 pm
23        Normal School Day
24        No School
25-26   Thanksgiving Holiday!
30        NHS Induction Ceremony practice in IMC during ELT

1          NHS Induction Ceremony
2          Spring Sports Student signup, ELT
8          BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14        Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, Middle School IMC
15        Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 pm
15        Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm
22        BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
23-2     Winter Break
17        Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17        Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25        Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Rose/Jenn/Pernsteiner11/9/21Coloma, WI-WI Operating Engineers Training SiteForm & Class List
Banks/Oosterhuis11/12/21Student Council to the School ForestForm & Class List
Scot Abel11/17/21Twin Oaks, School ForestForm & Class List
Scot Abel11/18/21Twin Oaks, School ForestForm & Class List
Jodi Peterson12/2/21Green BayForm & Class List

May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...