D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
A huge THANK YOU to Jenny Oosterhuis, and Lisa Banks Ohearn for coordinating this past weeks homecoming! An additional thank you to Caitlyn Filtz, Joel Deboer, Brandon Stremkowski, Joe Rislove, Pete Thorpe, Rachel Lintereur, Hannah Brockman, Alex Schremp, and Jenna Peplinski as they helped coordinate their respective classes as advisors! Of course big thanks to Todd Bohm, Officer Frank, Jim Sekel and Jeff See for their efforts as well. Homecoming takes a ton of work by so many - thank you for making it happen for our students!
Senior winning touchdown in Powderpuff...
Announcements/Week Ahead
Parent-Teacher Conferences - We have decided that all PT conferences will be virtual - Webex, email, or phone - for the first semester.
Attendance - We have seen a considerable increase in the amount of unexcused absences over the last two weeks. We are going to shift some of our unexcused response processes to focus more time and resources on ensuring we are following up on those unexcused absences. Teachers, please make sure your attendance is prompt and accurate as it allows us to spend more time with students who need more attention.
ELT attendance - I would ask teachers to have conversations with students individually if they do not show up when requested for ELT. We are focusing our conversations with students on the ones who do not show up for their academic courses. At any point that you would like administration to address a student about missing ELT - please email one of us the name of the student and the number of times they have missed your ELT.
Wellness Wednesdays - Mental Wellness has rapidly become a challenge for our youth today. By supporting our students in developing health coping skills, we will continue to set them up for success in life. We are starting Wellness Wednesdays to enhance the skills and supports we are already offering our students. We are excited to grow awareness and knowledge around Mental Wellness during these days. Beginning this week October 6th, each Wednesday there will be an announcement and a skill of the day shared. There will then be a table set up at lunch on Wednesdays to demonstrate the skill, share additional information, and student services will be available for discussion.
If you are interested in supporting this discussion, have ideas or coping tools to share, or would like to join us for discussion during a lunch hour please jump in or contact Erin Jacobson (School Social Worker).
Student Living Arrangements - Reminder if you know or suspect a student is homeless, soon to be homeless, or living independently Please let Erin Jacobson, School Social Worker, know. There are supports and services we can offer the student or family.
Make-up Testing Availability - Dawn Whitsett and Yolanda Lloyd are happy to administer tests during the after school program in the IMC. The folder for tests is behind the counter. Teachers need to put the name of the student, where to put the test when it is finished, and any directions specific to the assessment. This would be another option staff and students have to get make-up work done. If you have any questions, talk to Dawn or Yolanda.
Fall 2021 Pay & Benefit Meetings - If you are unable to attend the meeting at the senior high on October 5th at 2:50 p.m., here are the dates at the other schools.
- Oct. 5, @ 7:50 am Riverside IMC
- Oct. 5, @ 2:50 pm Senior High Auditorium
- Oct. 11, @ 3:10 pm Junior High IMC
- Oct. 12, @ 7:50 am Hatley IMC
- Oct. 26, @ 3:15 pm DCE PD Center, Suite 302 (Two doors down from new Admin Building)
Important Dates:
4 Academic Letter Awards Banquet, SH Auditorium, 7 p.m.
5 Senior Class Picture during ELT - Do not request Seniors for ELT
5 Flu Shot Clinic at Greenheck, 2:30-6 p.m.
5 Benefits Meeting, Auditorium, 2:50 p.m.
13 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 p.m.
13 Community Open House, 5:30-7:30 p.m. (not required for staff - but welcome)
20 Faculty meeting, IMC, 2:50 p.m.
27 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 p.m.
28 No School, Teacher PD Day
29 No School
1 Vertical Teaming Night 3:15-6 pm
5 Quarter 1 Ends
8 No School, PD for Grading
9 Quarter 2 Begins
10 BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 p.m.
11 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
15 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6 pm
17 Faculty Meeting @ 2:50
17 Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17 Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours
25 Graduation 6-9 pm
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.
*NO additional field trips on
- 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
- JH Adventure Day??
Teacher | Dates | Destination | Form & Class list |
| | | |
Rose Matthiae | 10/13/21 | CW Convention/Expo Center | TBD |

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