D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
Key Club raking leaves!
A couple of athletic teams finished up their season over the weekend. A full review of all of the fall athletic success will come when all teams have finished their competition.
Volleyball lost in a closely contested match in the Sectional Semi-Final. They still have a chance at sharing the conference title depending on a game yet to be played. Congratulate the ladies on a fantastic season!
At State Cross Country this weekend Sara Mlodik finished in 19th and Lucas Allen finished 68th. Both of these athletes won their WVC individual race as well to cap off an exciting Cross Country season.
Week Ahead
Fire Evacuation Review - On Monday and Tuesday, November 2 and 3, immediately after period 3 announcements, teachers are asked to review with students the Fire Evacuation procedures found in your Crisis Management Plan booklet. The fire alarm will not go off and no one should leave their classroom. As part of our covid protocols, our drills will remain table top talks at this moment and we will not be evacuating the building.
Grading Period for Q1 - All grades will have to be entered into Infinite Campus by the dates and times below so that parents can see them before conferences begin at 3pm on the 12th.
- Q1 Grading Window will be open on Friday, October 30th. Reminder students will see grades as soon as you post them. See screen shot below. If you have any issues with entering in grades please let me know.
- Q1 ends on Friday, November 6th.
- Q1 Grades will be due at 12:00pm on Wednesday, November 11th.
- Grading Window will close at 12:15pm Wednesday, November 11th.
- Q1 Report Cards will be posted to the Infinite Campus portal on Thursday, November 12th by noon.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Thursday, November 12th, and Monday, November 16th, are parent-teacher conferences from 3-6pm with a built-in 20-minute break each night. All teachers are expected to have conferences. There are a few shared teachers, coaches, etc. that may not be here. If you haven’t already spoken to Dawn Seehafer about not being here, please do so ASAP. Parents received an email or paper copy with instructions and links to sign up for either a phone conference or a Webex conference during a 10-minute spot. Any questions, please see Dawn Seehafer.
Parent-Teacher Contact Time - A reminder that there are an additional 3 hours built-in for teachers to call, email, and connect with parents. We choose not to schedule these three hours to increase flexibility for both faculty and parents.
Friday, November 13, is a Cohort "A" Schedule - Since there is no school on Monday, November 9th, (PD Day for grading) there will be an "A" schedule day on Friday, November 13th. Please keep reminding your students of this.
November 24th - There will be a normal Cohort B Schedule on Tuesday, November 24th. There will not be an altered schedule. We will begin school at 7:28am and end at 2:40pm.
Important Dates
2 & 3 Teachers should review the Fire Drill/Evacuation
6 Quarter 1 ends
6 Teacher Work Day, no lunch or busses
9 PD Day for grading wks of 10/9 & 10/16 - 3 hours of parent contact
10 Quarter 2 begins
10 B Day
11 A Day
11 Grades due by noon
11 Grading table closes 12:15pm
11 BLT @ 2:50pm
12 B Day
12 Grades posted to portal by noon
12 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm
13 A Day (since Monday will be with no students)
16 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm
18 Virtual Faculty Meeting, 2:50pm
18 Board of Education Mtg, 6:30pm
20 Teacher Work Day
24 Normal Cohort B Schedule, 7:28am-2:40pm

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