D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update
Weekly Happenings
A huge shout out to Scott Atkinson, Wendy Vesper, Cristie Bates, Joe Finnegan, Steve Kmosena, and everyone who had a part in pulling off County Fair over the past weekend. The students clearly had a great time performing and they did a fantastic job! Thank you to Audrey Kemp for the Photos!
Congratulations to all our Forensics students and coaches for a successful trip to State! All students listed below won medals! Please pass along congratulations!Lauren Koslowski, Ava Kumar, Eva Baltzell, Lyn Sepersky, Lehna Olstad, Samaria Olson, Morgan Stenstrom, Satori Schroeder, Kaitlin Buelow, Ben Schwantes (not pictured but also competed: Samantha Young)
Congratulations to the FCCLA students that competed at the state level this week.
Taylor Gutowski, Daisy Her, Emily Hoppe, Jodi Buckmaster, Sammy Olson and Mayla Reed received silver. Receiving gold were Annika Dellich, Kohl LaBarge and Abby Sendelbach.
Moving to the national level in California are Mayla Reed and Sammy Olson! Thank you Stacy Peterson for your leadership with FCCLA!

Announcements/Week Ahead
Aspire Testing - The 10th grade Aspire test will be held on Tuesday, April 19th. There is no school for 11th or 12th graders that day. This test is completely online. Below are essential dates and tasks to put on your calendar to be fully prepared to proctor this test.
- Tuesday, April 5th at 2:45 p.m. OR Wednesday, April 6th at 7:10 a.m. both in the IMC - mandatory room supervisor/proctor/accommodations supervisor meeting. All SWD teachers and 10th grade advisory teachers are assigned to proctor this test in addition to some 11th and 12th grade teachers/staff. Click here to see if you are assigned.
- Tuesday, April 12th Aspire Altered Schedule (mandatory ELT for 10th grade), Review Aspire directions, check iPad, testing rooms, and practice problems. Click here for Student Direction Sheet
- Tuesday, April 19th Aspire test for 10th graders. No school for 11th or 12th graders. Click here for the schedule
- Tuesday, April 26th Aspire test make ups in the IMC
This test is online. Staff who are administering the test MUST create an account or update their password in the Aspire platform by going to
https://aspire.act.org/customer/index.action Email Jane Kemp if you cannot get your account created. The username is your DCE email.
Staffing Update - Gina Lehman, current Middle School Principal, has accepted the Director of Student Services position currently held by Dr. Lindell. The middle school principal position will be posted in the near future. Congratulations to Audrey Kemp on retiring at the end of this year. Audrey's position will be posted this week.
Field Trip Forms - Please review the information needed for day and overnight field trips listed below just above the table. All overnight trips need both the Parent Consent and Overnight Medical form completed. All field trips must be submitted for approval at least two weeks prior to trip date.
ACT Test Make Ups - The make up testing for ACTs is Tuesday, April 12th in the IMC. There are only 15 students who will possibly test. The morning bells will ring but then they will be turned off until the end of testing.
Mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting - Tuesday, April 12th during ELT, there will be a mandatory senior graduation meeting in the auditorium. An IC email blast was sent out last week to all seniors and their parents regarding this and were instructed to go to their ELT for attendance first. Senior ELT teacher are asked after taking attendance, please escort your seniors to the auditorium. If you have a mixed ELT, please make arrangements with a colleague to take your seniors. Thank you for your help.
Wellness Day - Wellness day is this week, April 14th! Please be attentive to instructions who have and will receive throughout the week. One piece of information right now - On Thursday all staff are asked to park in the teacher parking lot behind the high school. We have over 50 community members coming to the high school on that day and we would like to reserve all parking on student council drive for these visitors.
11 Graduation Ceremony Senior Speaker Auditions
12 ACT make-up testing, Periods 1-4,
Aspire Altered Schedule (mandatory ELT for 10th grade), Review Aspire directions, check iPad, testing rooms, and practice problems12 Graduation Ceremony Senior Speaker Auditions
14 Wellness Day - Whole school
15 NO School
18 Recognition Celebration, SH Auditorium, 6-7:30 p.m.
19 Aspire testing - Sophomores only
20 Faculty Meeting, IMC, 2:50 p.m.
20 Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 p.m.
26 Aspire make-up testing, IMC
27 BLT Meeting
29 Key Club Blood Drive, 8-2 p.m., Location TBD
30 Junior Prom, CW Convention Center
25 Graduation from 6-9 - All teachers required to attend
Upcoming Field Trips
Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point. Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling. If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions. Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.
Field Trip Forms from District (click on PO2340: District Sponsored Trips, scroll to the bottom and find forms needed depending on day or overnight request. The Medical Form only needs to be completed by parents/physicians if overnight trip along with the Parental Consent.