Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 31 - February 4

 D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

From time to time I get random phone calls or emails from parents that rave about our staff and our school - Thought I would share one from the past week about one of our colleagues - identifying information removed!  Keep up the great work everyone! 

"I wanted to take some time and let you all know what an amazing job the D C Everest Sr High is doing. I would like to extend an extra Thank you and appreciation to his content teacher. My son was struggling with content area, so he asked his teacher for help. Not only did the teacher take time to help him, but his teacher also thanked him for coming in for extra help. During a time when the world is so cruel and rude, I feel it is important to reach out and recognize the good. Thank you again to all the DC Everest staff for making my child feel important and like he belongs there. You are all amazing!!"

Congratulations to all of our Unified Pals organizers. We doubled the amount of students in attendance!

Great story about our Creative Marketing Solutions Students and their projects! Great representation!

Congratulate our Dance team as our Girls took First in D1 Pom and third in D1 Jazz!  The girls will compete next Saturday in La Crosse for the State Title!
Great work by our Girl's Basketball Program by engaging our youth last week!

Congratulations to Ann Geier for winning the $50 Pat on the Back drawing for the senior high and Wendy Vesper for winning the $100 District drawing! The next two drawings will be at the end of the school year. The link can be found on the Intranet or for your convenience, here is it. Pat on the Back Link

Announcements/Week Ahead

Scheduling Fair - We will be running a scheduling fair for Juniors on February 16 during advisory.  Any Juniors needing clarification on which classes to take should report to the gymnasium to talk with a department representative about offerings.  We will run the same fair on February 23 during advisory for sophomores.  Department Chairs (or designee) please plan on attending during that time to answer any student questions, meaning you will need to send your advisory to a teacher partner, bring them with you to the gymnasium, or request a substitute for the time period.  You will have a sign with your department heading for you to stand under.

Scheduling Process Tutorial - All new teachers to the building and anyone else interested should attend our scheduling process meeting at 2:50 in the IMC on February 1. This is a time change from last week - It is on Tuesday! Counselors and Jeff See will walk teachers through how to help students with the scheduling process.

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Our spring conferences are on Thursday, February 17th from 3-6:30 p.m.  Parents will have the option to have an in-person, WebEx, or telephone conferences when signing up.  Individualized parent emails will go out the first of February.  All teachers are required to be in the building for conferences unless on the shared teacher list or have been approved by Mike.

ACT Prep Course - The ACT Prep Course is again being offered to all juniors free of charge in February.  The practice test is Saturday, 2/7 with classes on Monday 2/7, 2/14 & 2/21.  An IC blast and registration form was sent out last Thursday to all juniors and their parents. 

From Our IT Department

With the change of courses at semester, some students need assistance with managing their Canvas Courses. Here is a guide on how to help students manage their Canvas Courses in the Canvas Student App.

Apple Professional Learning Virtual Conferences 
The new year is off to a great start and we are excited to continue our exciting lineup of virtual conferences to support leaders and educators in February at no cost from the Apple Professional Learning team! We offer both one-to-many learning opportunities through Virtual Conferences. 

APL Virtual Conferences
Beginning February 1st, we have an exciting lineup to support educators with 24 virtual conference sessions at no cost. 
Our virtual conferences are designed to be hands-on to explore resources, practice new skills, and reflect on ways Apple technology can support great learning and teaching.
All sessions are offered twice daily, Tuesday through Thursday and after school hours, to meet the demands of busy educators.
Please share out these exciting offerings and highlight that our APL team are educators supporting other educators to grow in their practice. 

Follow @AppleEDU on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news, announcements, and inspiration from Apple Education. 
Steps to Register:
1. Be sure to REGISTER  in FRONTLINE.
2. Next, Visit to learn more and register for the desired session. 
3. Your PD Hours will be awarded after you attend the conference and complete the reflection form in Frontline.
We hope you

Important Dates:

1 (DATE CHANGE)  New teacher in building and anyone else Scheduling Process Tutorial IMC @ 2:50
3 (DATE CHANGE)  Spring Sports Meetings during ELT
5           ACT Practice Test, 7:45-12noon
7           ACT Prep Course Night 1
16         Junior Scheduling Fair during Advisory
17         Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17         Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours
23         Sophomore Scheduling Fair during Advisory

           ACT - Juniors only
10          Sophomore Career Fair at Wausau East - 12:10 - 2:00 - Sophomores will report to their 10th hour from 2:06-2:40

14          Wellness Day - Whole school
19          Aspire testing - Sophomores only - Juniors College/Career Day

25          Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
John Glynn2/4/22NTC Wausau CampusForm & Class List
Jennifer Gipp2/5/22Nekoosa High SchoolForm & Class List
Joe Finnegan2/14/22UWSP Music BuildingForm & Class List
Foster & Degrand4/7/22Wausau West PlanetariumForm & Class List

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 24 - January 28

 D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Welcome Nicole Paulson, New Horizons teacher starting Monday, January 31st!  Some of you may know her as she is transferring from the Middle School into this new role.  If you see her around please introduce yourself. 

Welcome Moxy! Thanks to student group Umbrella of Hope, Moxy will be making visits to our school to meet with students.

Jubilee House reopened their doors to the community after having to close for over 2 years. Here are some of our Key Club members who volunteered their time to serve a warm meal this evening.

Announcements/Week Ahead

Advisory update - All students should have had a one on one meeting with their advisory teacher during the first semester. All of those meetings should have been documented within your personal tracking form. At this time, please begin second semester checks with your students to assess their progress within the goal they set with you in the Fall.  Record that information in the same spot you recorded the first.  Please access Rose and Jen when needed.  Over the course of the next month or so, Rose and Jen will come and meet with your departments individually to check on progress, update on upcoming activities, and provide support as needed. 

Scheduling Fair - We will be running a scheduling fair for Juniors on February 16 during advisory.  Any Juniors needing clarification on which classes to take should report to the gymnasium to talk with a department representative about offerings.  We will run the same fair on February 23 during advisory for sophomores.  Department Chairs (or designee) please plan on attending during that time to answer any student questions, meaning you will need to send your advisory to a teacher partner, bring them with you to the gymnasium, or request a substitute for the time period.  You will have a sign with your department heading for you to stand under.

Scheduling Process Tutorial - All new teachers to the building and anyone else interested should attend our scheduling process meeting at 2:50 in the IMC on February 2.  Counselors and Jeff See will walk teachers through how to help students with the scheduling process.

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Our spring conferences are on Thursday, February 17th from 3-6:30 p.m.  Parents will have the option to have an in-person, WebEx, or telephone conferences when signing up.  Individualized parent emails will go out the first of February.  All teachers are required to be in the building for conferences unless on the shared teacher list or have been approved by Mike.

ACT Prep Course - The ACT Prep Course is again being offered to all juniors free of charge in February.  The practice test is Saturday, 2/7 with classes on Monday 2/7, 2/14 & 2/21.  An IC blast and registration form was sent out last Thursday to all juniors and their parents. We are still looking for a Reading teacher for 2/14 and 2/21.  Teachers only teach two out of the three nights.  Please consider helping our juniors out.  Let Dawn Seehafer know as soon as possible if you can.

Sunshine Update - Our condolences go out to Sue Schlinkmann and her family for the passing of Sue's mom. Wishing her comfort and support.

New Covid Staff Protocols - If you are out for Covid reasons, or out for 2 or more days, please email Heidi when you enter your covid Skyward entry. She will be collecting information on symptoms and dates, etc for HR.

  • Employees who are symptomatic and getting tested should not be at work while waiting for their test result
  • Two circumstances where employees may be able to return to work sooner when waiting for a test result:
    • For employees that have a rapid AND a PCR test completed:
      • An employee that is experiencing symptoms and receives a negative rapid result can return to work while waiting for a PCR result if symptoms are resolving. Employees that choose to return without their PCR result will be required to wear a mask until a negative PCR result is received. If a positive PCR result is received, then the employee will need to follow the isolation guidance. Employees who are not fully vaccinated and have a COVID-positive individual who lives in their home must still complete a 5-day quarantine from the last date of exposure.
    • For an employee that got tested and hasn’t received their result AND it is 5 days past symptom onset, they can return to work while waiting for their test result if symptoms are resolving. Employees that choose to return without their test result will be required to wear a mask until a negative result is received. If a positive result is received, then the employee will need to follow the isolation guidance. Employees who are not fully vaccinated and have a COVID-positive individual who lives in their home must still complete a 5-day quarantine from the last date of exposure.
Time Off Reminders:
  • When entering Sick Leave in Skyward, employees should select reason code COVID-19 when absent for the following reasons:
    • Employee is getting tested and waiting for test results
    • Employee is isolating because they are COVID positive
    • Employee is quarantining because they were identified as a close contact (refer to Protocols sheet)
    • Employee is receiving a COVID vaccine or booster
    • Employee is recovering from side effects of a COVID vaccine or booster
    • Employee is caring for a family/household member that is getting tested and waiting for test results
    • Employee is caring for a family/household member that is isolating because they are COVID positive.
    • Employee is caring for a family/household member that is quarantining because they were identified as a close contact
  • If an employee is absent because a child care provider or school is closed or unavailable due to any reason, including COVID, they will need to use their personal days, vacation days, or take time off without pay.  

Important Dates:


26         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
26         School Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm

2           New teacher in building and anyone else Scheduling Process Tutorial IMC @ 2:50
16         Junior Scheduling Fair during Advisory
17         Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17         Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours
23         Sophomore Scheduling Fair during Advisory

8            ACT - Juniors only
10          Sophomore Career Fair at Wausau East - 12:30 - 2:30

14          Wellness Day - Whole school
19          Aspire testing - Sophomores only - Juniors College/Career Day

25          Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Finnegan/Johnson/Bates1/24/22Riverside, Hatley, Mtn BayForm & Class List
Finnegan/Johnson/Bates1/25/22Riverside, Hatley, Mtn BayForm & Class List
Joe Finnegan2/14/22UWSP Music BuildingForm & Class List
Jennifer Gipp2/5/22Nekoosa High SchoolForm & Class List

Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 17 - January 21

  D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

D.C. Everest students from the Auto Support Systems class and others participated in an industry tour at Yach's Body and Custom on Tuesday, January 11th. Students learned about the company history, career paths in the industry, and toured the paint, calibrations, estimating/blueprinting areas.

Big Thank you to Kaitlyn Roskopf for all of her work coordinating Senior Ball as well as the chaperones Audrey Kemp, Sara Pinsonneault, Brooke Davis, Joel Deboer, Pete Thorpe, Todd Bohm and Frank Wierzbanowski!

Channel 7 did this story on a number of our students before break - Very talented!

Announcements/Week Ahead

2nd semester kickoff - As we move into second semester please remember to reestablish norms and procedures with your classes.  Please spend time on the importance of attendance and promptness, cover your expectations and address any major item you need from the start.  One specific point of emphasis to address relates to the use of cell phones.  Per our district policy and student handbook language students must turn their cell phones off and put them away during class periods.  Please make sure you are addressing this expectation from the beginning and enforcing throughout the rest of the year.

Faculty Meeting January 19 - Faculty meeting this Wednesday.  We will start by revisiting advisory progress as we move into second semester and then we will move into a conversation about lessons learned by one of our colleagues during their multiple year journey through student goal setting, reflection, clarity of instruction, and continuous improvement.  Contact Mike if you are unable to attend.

Advisory video on Wednesday - This Wednesday we will have a second semester kickoff video for students. Please show the video to your advisory class to start the hour before moving into conferencing with students.  Video will be shared with teachers on Tuesday. 

An update from Sunshine:  Our condolences go out to Carla Kietlinski and her family on the passing of her father-in-law.  A "get well," card was sent to Jo Bailey for being out an extended period of time.

Student teachers - A quick note of thanks to all of our teachers who support student teachers throughout the years. We have intentionally increased our efforts to attract students to student teach with us to make sure we stay a viable option when positions become available.  For that to happen we need willing teachers to take them on and serve as mentors throughout their experience.  To all who have chosen to do that throughout the years - thank you!

PD Opportunities:
Apple Professional Learning Virtual Conferences - These virtual conferences are developed for teachers to explore helpful resources, practice new skills, and reflect on ways Apple technology can support great learning and teaching. Hosted by Apple Professional Learning Specialists, these hands-on sessions are offered twice daily — Tuesday through Thursday — and run for approximately 60 minutes.

  • iPad is used for all sessions unless indicated otherwise.
  • Please note the time zone when registering.
  • All sessions are hosted in English with auto-generated captions.

Follow @AppleEDU on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news, announcements, and inspiration from Apple Education.
Steps to Register:

  1. Be sure to REGISTER in FRONTLINE.
  2. Next, Visit to learn more and register for the desired session.
  3. Your PD Hours will be awarded after you attend the conference and complete the reflection form in Frontline.

Important Dates:


17         NO School, PD for Grading, Grades due by 3pm
18         Quarter 3 Begins
19         Faculty meeting in IMC, 2:50 PM
26         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
26         School Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm

17          Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17          Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25           Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Finnegan/Johnson/Bates1/24/22Riverside, Hatley, Mtn BayForm & Class List
Finnegan/Johnson/Bates1/25/22Riverside, Hatley, Mtn BayForm & Class List
Joe Finnegan2/14/22UWSP Music BuildingForm & Class List
Jennifer Gipp2/5/22Nekoosa High SchoolForm & Class List

Sunday, January 9, 2022

January 10 - January 14

 D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Key Club recently distributed the following items collected by our school community to charities:
  • Books were donated to Marathon County literacy, Inc
  • Toiletries to Bare necessities
  • Toys to the Child Advocacy Center of Northcentral Wisconsin
  • Food and other pet necessities to the Humane Society
  • Food for our school pantry

Check out the throwing of pottery in Mrs. Clay's classroom!

Rocket testing in Astronomy!

Congratulations to Alex Schremp, Jenn Golbach, Anna Lemke, and Stacy Peterson on building connections with the community and hosting the reality fair this year! Good to have it back!

A picture from the 66th Annual Fred Lehrke Invitational on Saturday! 

Congratulate the following students on their work at the DECA Career Development Conference.  Great work by Jodi Peterson and Alex Schremp!
  • In the Business Services series: Liberty Christianson is a two time medalist and placed as an Honorable Mention.
  • In the Hotel Lodging series: Riley O’Connor is a two time medalist and places 2nd in the event.
  • In the Human Resource Management series: Ava Kumar is a time medalist and places as an Honorable Mention.
  • In the Personal Financial Literacy series: Mike Brierton is a three time medalist and places 1st in this event.
  • In the Quick Serve Restaurant Management series: Leanna D’Antonio places overall in this event as an Honorable Mention.
  • In the Retail Merchandising series: Morgan Stenstrom is a three time medalist and places 2nd in this event. Michayla Susa is a two time medalist and earns 3rd place.
  • In the Hospitality Services Management Team Event: McKenna Woller and Reese Ugoretz each earn two medals and they place as an Honorable Mention.
  • In the Marketing Management Team Event: David Isham and Andrue Dettman each earned two medals and they placed as an Honorable Mention.
  • In the Principles of Business Management and Administration event: Milah Willis is a medalist and earns an Honorable Mention.
  • In the Principles of Marketing event: Milana Bublik is a three time medalist and places 1st.
  • In the Principles of Financial Literacy event: Malachi Watson and Cole Petit are medalists in this event.
  • In the Principles of Hospitality and Tourism event: Sophia Wagman is a two time medalist and Blake Gremminger is a medalist. Sophia and Blake both place overall as an Honorable Mention.
  • On the Economics Exam Mike Brierton earns first place and Morgan Stenstrom places third.

Announcements/Week Ahead

Grading Information from Melissa Barwick - Grading window will open the morning of January 10th.
  • Semester 1 ends on Friday, January 14th.
  • Monday, January 17th, is a day scheduled for grading. If you would like me to check to see if you have all your grades entered, please send me an email.
  • Teachers will NOT have to enter a grade for Success Skill: Responsibility.
  • S1 grades will be due by 3:00pm on Monday, January 17th. Grading window closes at 3pm. There is additional work for S1 grades so please have your grades in on time.
  • An INCOMPLETE can only be issued if a student missed the final because they were REM on Thursday 1/13 or Friday 1/14 or missed significant work due to being on REM after our Winter Break. Any student that receives an "I" for this reason only, must be issued a grade by Friday, January 21st. Please email me the information: Student Name, Course Name and Course Section so I can update the grade in Infinite Campus. 
  • S1 grades will be posted to report card and transcripts on Monday, January 24th and will be available on the parent portal. S1 Report Cards will NOT be printed.

Updated Covid Protocols - The district has adjusted its COVID student protocols based on updated guidance from the CDC and local health officials. Please see the updated protocols below:


  • Regardless of vaccination status, the student must remain home for 5 days. If the student is symptomatic, the student must remain home 5 days from the onset of symptoms. If the student has no symptoms, the student must remain home 5 days from the test date.
  • If the student has no symptoms or his/her symptoms are resolving after 5 days, the student can return to school and must wear a mask at school for days 6 - 10. Students unable to wear a mask, must isolate for the full 10 days.
  • If the student has a fever, the student must remain at home until the fever resolves without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • Students who are not fully vaccinated and have a COVID-positive individual who lives in their home must quarantine as noted below.
  • After completing 5 days of quarantine from the last date of exposure, student can return on day 6 provided no symptoms have developed. The student must wear a mask at school for days 6 - 10. Students unable to wear a mask, must quarantine for the full 10 days.
  • Students who become symptomatic and receive a negative PCR test need to meet the above quarantine guidelines.
  • Students who become symptomatic and receive a positive COVID test will need to complete their isolation period.
  • Students who are fully vaccinated and are symptom-free may attend school. (Fully vaccinated is defined as having completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months; completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months; have received COVID booster.) If the student develops symptoms, the individual must isolate for 5 days from onset of symptoms or can return to school with a negative rapid or PCR test (administered under clinical supervision) with improved symptoms.
As a reminder, the DCE district is providing free COVID testing with a 24-48 hour turnaround time on results. More information can be found at:

Semester 1 Final Exam Schedules & 2nd Friday Count - The finals schedules for January 13th and 14th are linked below.  Due to the state mandatory 2nd Friday Count on January 14th, there will be an extra 5 minutes added to period 2 for this purpose.  More information regarding the count is below with more from Carla Kietlinski soon.  The time schedules are linked here to post in your classrooms: January 2022 S1 Final Exams/2nd Friday Count.

2nd Friday Count January 14th during period 2 - The 2nd Friday attendance count will take place on Friday, January 14th during period 2. Attendance forms will be put in teacher mailboxes prior to this date. Complete the attendance forms in period 2 and return them to the attendance office immediately after taking attendance. You will need to verify on the attendance form with your signature the students who are enrolled and attending school. Please verify the total amount of students in your period 2 by writing the number and circling it toward the bottom of the page.

Finals this week - A reminder that all students are expected to attend their scheduled classes on Thursday and Friday where some sort of assessment activity will be happening. Students are not able to be excused from attending this period.

Grading Table Opens - The grading window will open the morning of January 10th with semester 1 ending on Friday, January 14th.  Monday, January 17th, is a PD day scheduled for grading. Teachers will NOT have to enter a grade for Success Skill: Responsibility.  S1 grades will be due by 3:00pm on Monday, January 17th with the grading window closing at 3pm. There is additional work for S1 grades so please have your grades in on time.  An INCOMPLETE can only be issued if a student missed the final because they were REM on Thursday 1/13 or Friday 1/14. Any student that receives an "I" for this reason only, must be issued a grade by Friday, January 21st. Please email me the information: Student Name, Course Name and Course Section so I can update the grade in Infinite Campus. This is per Mr. Raether.  S1 grades will be posted to report card and transcripts on Monday, January 24th and will be available on the parent portal. S1 Report Cards will NOT be printed.

Afghan Refugees - I wanted to pass along some information Dr. Thompson shared with principals this week.  Some interesting points of emphasis for our newest community members.
  • As our community prepares for more Afghan Refugees, I want to share with you this interesting and helpful reference that MPS put together.  The short document includes some interesting and helpful information. For example:
    • when alone with an Afghan, leave the door open.
    • ask permission before taking a photo.
    • lateness is common; the Afghan view of punctuality is quite fluid.
    • when offering anything (food, supplies), Afghan custom is to decline twice but accept on the third offer. This shows hospitality on the part of the giver and humbleness on the part of the recipient.
    • complimenting possessions can be tricky; an Afghan may feel compelled to offer the item to you. Politely decline.

PD Opportunities:
Apple Professional Learning Virtual Conferences - These virtual conferences are developed for teachers to explore helpful resources, practice new skills, and reflect on ways Apple technology can support great learning and teaching. Hosted by Apple Professional Learning Specialists, these hands-on sessions are offered twice daily — Tuesday through Thursday — and run for approximately 60 minutes.
  • iPad is used for all sessions unless indicated otherwise.
  • Please note the time zone when registering.
  • All sessions are hosted in English with auto-generated captions.
Follow @AppleEDU on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest news, announcements, and inspiration from Apple Education.
Steps to Register:
  1. Be sure to REGISTER in FRONTLINE.
  2. Next, Visit to learn more and register for the desired session.
  3. Your PD Hours will be awarded after you attend the conference and complete the reflection form in Frontline.

Important Dates:


10         Grading Table opens
11         Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, JH IMC
12         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14         2nd Friday Count during period 2, 9:10-9:15am
15         Senior Ball
17         NO School, PD for Grading, Grades due by 3pm
18         Quarter 3 Begins
19         Faculty meeting in IMC, 2:50 PM
26         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
26         School Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm

17          Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17          Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25           Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Bryan Foster/Tony Degrand1/11/22Wausau West PlanetariumForm & Class List
Rose Matthiae1/11/22Yach's Body & CustomForm & Class List
Tiffany Schmidt/Jeremy Brandt1/13/22Dale's Weston LanesForm & Class List

Sunday, January 2, 2022

January 3 - January 7

  D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Congratulations to these students for earning another Microsoft Certification! The following students have earned their Microsoft Office Specialist - PowerPoint Associate certification: Anson Jiang, Ashley Khang, Bryan Watters, Ethan Hanke, Fiona Vermote, Haley Clark, Hanna Rickert, Jakob Landwehr, Jarret Imlach, Jordyn Jakubek, Kadin Kurtz, Kenny Thao, Mai Lee Yang, Olivia Gipp, Parker Hurt, Reed Dombeck, and Shouanang Lee.

The STEM Robotics Class and others participated in an industry tour to CTech Manufacturing in Weston on Tuesday, December 21st. CTech is an industry leader in the manufacturing of aluminum carts, cabinets & drawers. CTech products can be found across the U.S. and around the globe in the racing industry, professional athletic leagues, emergency vehicles, military units and service industry. Students learned about Automation Industry 4.0, Youth Apprenticeships, and careers in Manufacturing Production, Engineering, Information Technology, and Sales & Marketing.

Congratulations to Riley O'Connor and Natalie Costa for their 1st and 3rd place finishes in the Voice of Democracy audio essay!!! Please congratulate these students when you see them - Also thank you to Anne Marie Jagodzinski for her mentorship to both of them!

Congratulate Dayton Goralski and Riley Held when you see them. Through their class Creative Marketing Solutions they were able to secure $1,000 in funding for school supplies for the Junior and Senior High School.  Great work by Jodi Peterson and these students!

Jazz Band sounded great at Patron's before break!

A huge thank you to all who had a hand in distributing almost 100 meals to families before break - Such an amazing thing accomplished by amazing people!

Curriculum and Instruction

Thank you to Brooke Davis for sharing this article with me before break. Concise way to think about structuring our environments as we close out one semester and start anew.

Six Tips for Cultivating a Trauma-Informed Higher Education Classroom at the Beginning of Each Semester

November 15, 2021
Ashley Herr-Perrin

Collective trauma, in spite of its profound gravity, has granted us an opportunity as educators. Through the devastation of COVID-19 and chaos of various social and political events within the past two years, attention to mental health has encouraged conversation instead of stigmatization (American Psychological Association, 2019). We are also more attuned to the presence of the trauma and toxic stress that many of our students are shouldering, and how their ability to learn can be compromised as a result (National Council of State Education Associations, 2019).

As educators, we remain responsible for creating an optimal environment in which student learning can flourish. When students feel that they are in danger—whether it is real or perceived—tasks such as critical thinking, emotional regulation, processing, and concentration are obliterated in favor of self-preservation. The ability to establish trust becomes complicated if not impossible. Self-efficacy and esteem are often under threat as well. Awareness of trauma and its effects on learning can provide an informative lens through which we can contextualize student behavior and better structure an environment that is responsive to their needs.

There is undoubtedly major cognitive overload for us instructors as we try to establish the tone and structure of our classrooms in addition to delivering material. The thought of trying to incorporate trauma-informed principles into that equation may seem rather intimidating, especially because we have to re-evaluate the needs of the class every semester and modify best practices accordingly. However, many recommendations for trauma-informed educational practices are similar to student-centered teaching techniques with which you are probably already familiar. They can be modified easily with the goals of safety and optimal learning in mind. Below are some strategies you can implement seamlessly into the first week of your course and set the tone for the rest of the semester.

1. Safety

Why it matters: Embracing vulnerability can be extremely difficult for any student, especially for those whose safety has been compromised.

How it works: Be open with students about the classroom being a safe space and what that means. Let them know that the learning process might not always be comfortable, but you will be facilitating it with their mental and emotional health in mind.

Keep in mind: A safe space does not mean avoidance or suppression of potentially difficult conversations in the classroom. Rather, it serves as an environment in which mental and emotional health are recognized and re-traumatization is minimalized, thus allowing for these types of conversations to take place as safely as possible.

2. Trustworthiness and Transparency

Why it matters: Unpredictability and surprises are often trauma-triggers. Trust can be a challenge to build and fragile in maintenance for trauma survivors.

How it works: Use the syllabus as a tool to be very clear about your expectations with assignments, policies, and anything else having to do with the way the class will be managed.

Keep in mind: It is important that students know that confidentiality is respected and exercised whenever possible, but communication in the classroom is not privileged. You are required to report anything that would fall under Title IX provisions as well as other safety concerns. However, let students know that candid discussion is still encouraged and that you can refer them to additional support if needed.
3. Peer Support

Why it matters: A history of trauma-exposure can elicit ongoing feelings of shame and isolation.

How it works: Establish the expectation of peer support up front when you discuss the classroom as a safe space. Start each class with about 5-10 minutes to “shake it off.” During this time, students are welcome to speak about their day or what’s on their mind or anything else that they need to share before diving into class content. Their peers are encouraged to provide verbal support and feedback during these conversations. For example, if a student shares about a particularly difficult day at work, you might pose the question to the rest of the class, “Has anyone else ever experienced this type of situation in the workplace? How did you handle it? What kind of support was helpful?”

Keep in mind: This brief activity serves multiple purposes: to allow disclosure and support within the boundary of a time-frame, assist you in getting a reading about what the students may be carrying with them into the classroom that day, activate engagement and problem-solving skills, and transition students into learning. It is intended to be supportive but should not be used in a clinical manner.
4. Collaboration and Mutuality

Why it matters: Many students have never been asked for their input in classroom decision-making and are resigned to just being told what to do. Relationships with authority figures may also be tainted for trauma-exposed students.

How it works: Provide opportunities for collective input regarding decisions about the classroom. For example, have students design class conduct norms, how everyone will hold each other accountable, and how conduct infractions should be addressed. Let students know that this involves them holding you accountable, too.

Keep in mind: Think of your role as similar to a coach. You can implement structure, leadership, consistency, fairness, and accountability without being authoritarian.

5. Empowerment, Voice, and Choice

Why it matters: Students with trauma exposure often have a fractured sense of self.

How it works: Begin to counter this by working with what positive aspects students are bringing into the classroom instead of what they are lacking. Start with an icebreaker activity where students can showcase their positive traits and build community. Provide them with prompts such as, “What are you good at?” “What do you enjoy?” “What has helped you get to this point in your life?” “How can you contribute to our learning community?” “How can our learning community best support you?” Then, divide students into partners or groups, have them interview each other, and then have members share out to the class. Make sure to offer non-participation or alternative participation as options.

Keep in mind: Traumatized students might not be ready to openly share or could have a difficult time generating positive attributes about themselves. Let them know that they are welcome to email or talk to you privately regarding what they want you to know about them.

6. Cultural, Historical, and Gender-based Trauma

Why it matters: Although not specifically listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders [DSM-5], cultural, historical, and gender-based trauma are very much an active part of many students’ lives. Even if students aren’t directly exposed to a particular event, trauma has an especially long shelf-life that can last for multiple generations.

How it works
: Consider preparing a welcome statement for the first night of class that speaks to diversity, inclusivity, and the value of belonging in the classroom. Students will know they are seen and accepted no matter their characteristics, struggles, experiences, mistakes, and so on. You might even hear an audible sigh or two of relief after you read the welcome statement.

Keep in mind: Exercising cultural humility will reinforce your commitment to building rapport with students. Be careful to refrain from adopting a “color-blind” approach as this can invalidate the experiences of students who have faced cultural, historical, or gender-based trauma.

Announcements/Week Ahead

Thank you to Tami Mlodik for sharing the following:

Important Dates:


3           School Resumes
6           Reality Fair
6-7        Grad ordering by Jostens, lunch hours
10         Grading Table opens
11         Coordinator/Chair Meeting, 3:40-4:40 pm, JH IMC
12         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
14         2nd Friday Count during period 2, 9:10-9:15am
15         Senior Ball
17         NO School, PD for Grading
18         Quarter 3 Begins
19         Faculty meeting in IMC, 2:50 PM
26         BLT Meeting, Conf Rm 369, 2:50 pm
26         School Board Meeting, Middle School, 6:30 pm

17          Parent Teacher Conferences 3-6:30 pm
17          Week of the 17th - 3 parent contact hours

25           Graduation 6-9 pm

                        Upcoming Field Trips 

Field Trips - Field trips are still permitted at this point.  Please consider academic and curricular importance when scheduling.  If the guidance changes, we will let you know. See Mike Raether if you have any questions.  Please submit class list 2 weeks prior to trip.

*NO additional field trips on 

  • 2nd Friday Count (1/14/22)
  • JH Adventure Day??
Field Trip Form from District (click on '2340(A): Field Trip Request' then '2340 (A) Field Trip Request Fillable 5-289-19.pdf.  Please write explanation of field trip along with the destination.

TeacherDatesDestinationForm & Class list
Rose Matthiae12/21/2021CTech Manufacturing, WestonForm & Class List
Jennifer Gipp1/6/22UW-StoutForm & Class List
Jodi Peterson/Alex Schremp1/7/22DECA’s Career Development ConferenceForm & Class List
Bryan Foster/Tony Degrand1/11/22Wausau West PlanetariumForm & Class List
Rose Matthiae1/11/22Yach's Body & CustomForm & Class List

May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...