Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 26 - October 30

 D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

The winning point from our Volleyball team in Thursday Regional action. 
A few pictures from Audrey from this week!

I wanted to share a nice publication created by Michelle Rothmeyer to highlight one of our YA students who is finding a ton of success.  Here's the link to the document.

Curriculum and Instruction

Please take a look at the infographic related to grading expectations. These were created to provide consistency in grading 6-12. Tammy Trzebiatowski is willing to answer any technology-related questions about grading. 

Week Ahead

Student Council Sponsored Halloween Events - Let's show our spirit and join in the fun!

10/30 PD Day
 - October 30th is listed as a teacher PD day. We have decided that the number one thing teachers need right now is time - so the day is yours for class, PLC, or department work.  We are going to be flexible on this day - you can work from home if you need to.

Dr. Nye Webex - Monday, October 26, 2:50-3:20 pm Dr. Nye would like to connect with the senior high on things related to teaching and learning during this pandemic.  The topics he plans to touch on are: 1) Thank you for your work to support learning in all formats, 2) Foreshadow adjustments based on your feedback, and 3) Get feedback on areas we're looking to improve.  It is optional to join along but please do so at the start of the meeting and stay as long as you would like.  You can join by entering in Cisco Webex Meetings.

Grading Period for Q1 - It is unbelievable that the grading period for quarter 1 is almost here.  All grades will have to be entered into Infinite Campus by the dates and times below so that parents can see them before conferences begin at 3pm on the 12th.   
  • Q1 Grading Window will be open on Friday, October 30th.  Reminder students will see grades as soon as you post them. See screen shot below. If you have any issues with entering in grades please let me know. 
  • Q1 ends on Friday, November 6th.
  • Q1 Grades will be due at 12:00pm on Wednesday, November 11th.
  • Grading Window will close at 12:15pm Wednesday, November 11th.  
  • Success Skill grade for Responsibility will also need to be entered.
  • Q1 Report Cards will be posted to the Infinite Campus portal on Thursday, November 12th by noon.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Thursday, November 12th, and Monday, November 16th, are parent-teacher conferences from 3-6pm with a built-in 20-minute break each night. All teachers are expected to have conferences. There are a few shared teachers, coaches, etc. that may not be. If you haven’t already spoken to Dawn Seehafer about not being here, please do so asap. Parents will receive an email early this week with instructions and links to sign up for either a phone conference or a Webex conference during a 10-minute spot. Any questions, please see Dawn Seehafer.

Friday, November 13, is Cohort an "A" Schedule - Since there is no school on Monday, November 9th, (PD Day for grading) there will be an "A" schedule day on Friday, November 13th.  Please keep reminding your students of this.

Important Dates
26       Dr. Nye Webex, 2:50-3:30pm
28       BLT @ 2:50pm
30       Teacher Work Day
30       Grading Table opens
31       Happy Halloween!
6         Quarter 1 ends
6         Teacher Work Day
9         PD Day for grading wks of 10/9 & 10/16 3 hours of parent contact
10       Quarter 2 begins 
10       B Day
11       A Day
11       Grades due by noon
11       Grading table closes 12:15pm
11       BLT @ 2:50pm
12       B Day
12       Grades posted to portal by noon
12       Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm
13      A Day (since Monday there is no students)
16       Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm
18       Virtual Faculty Meeting, 2:50pm
18       Board of Education Mtg, 6:30pm
20       Teacher Work Day

Sunday, October 18, 2020

October 19 - October 23

D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

A few pictures from the week courtesy of Audrey Kemp!

Interesting Information

In preparation for this week's faculty meeting, I wanted to provide some refreshers to our faculty regarding the work we were engaged in prior to the pandemic hitting. Last year, on the first day of school, we had Dr. David Schuler present the research and purpose behind the Redefining Ready criteria. During the Fall of 2019 we sent three separate teacher groups to D214 in Illinois to look at varying ways in which emphasizing college and career readiness manifests itself in student learning and programming.  

In the early Winter of 2019, Dr. Nye and I presented to the school board regarding this work and again engaged the board in conversations during their February retreat.  One of the issues surrounding the messaging of the importance of the Redefining Ready framework is that we lacked a tracking tool for the Career Readiness indicators. During this week's faculty meeting, Rose Matthiae will be presenting on a tool that students will use as a one-stop hub to find job, career, and service information. Additionally, this tool will help students track their progress in relation to career readiness indicators.

We will be running an ELT schedule on December 2 and 3. Classes throughout the day will be restricted to 46 minutes, similar to last year's schedule.  During ELT, we are asking teachers to do three things.  First, reconnect (Juniors and Seniors) with your ELTs from last year or introduce yourself to the Sophomores. Second, hit play on the video that will be shared explaining the Redefining Ready criteria and the Transeo platform for students.  Third, help students log in and navigate through the Transeo platform. All of this information will be shared in subsequent blogs.

In the meantime, as a refresher, I have included the Redefining Ready overview and the indicators below.

National Career and College Readiness Indicators
America’s high schools have a profound responsibility to ensure that our nation’s 14 million high school students are college ready, career ready and life ready. Standardized test scores – traditionally used as the primary readiness indicator – do not always provide an accurate representation of our students’ potential. Like the global economy, today’s students are driven by ideas and innovations. They should not be reduced down to, or defined by, a single test score.

Redefining Ready! is a national initiative launched by the AASA (The School Superintendents Association) to introduce new research-based metrics to more appropriately assess that students are college ready, career ready and life ready.

The initiative is a response to dismal college and career readiness scores reported by standardized test makers that fail to portray a comprehensive picture of student potential.

Our students are MORE than a SCORE.

Our nation’s high schools provide students with rigorous academic programs, personalized and career-specific learning experiences, along with social and emotional skills that prepare them to be global citizens in an ever-changing world.

Students learn in a variety of ways. They should be able to demonstrate readiness in a variety of ways.

The new readiness indicators, developed from research by world-class organizations, more accurately reflect the educational landscape of the 21st century. Multiple metrics include Advanced Placement courses, Algebra II, early college credits, industry credentials, attendance, community service, among others.

Please find the Readiness indicators below:

Week Ahead

Virtual Faculty Meeting - Wednesday at 2:50 pm. Webex link will be shared in the coming week over email.

10/30 PD Day Canceled - October 30th is listed as a teacher PD day. We have decided that the number one thing teachers need right now is time - so the day is yours for class, PLC, or department work.  We are going to be flexible on this day - you can work from home if you need to.

Dr. Nye Webex - Monday, October 26, 2:50-3:20 pm Dr. Nye would like to connect with the senior high on things related to teaching and learning during this pandemic.  The topics he plans to touch on are: 1) Thank you for your work to support learning in all formats, 2) Foreshadow adjustments based on your feedback, and 3) Get feedback on areas we're looking to improve.  It is optional to join along but please do so at the start of the meeting and stay as long as you would like.  You can join by entering in Cisco Webex Meetings.

Academic Letter Recipients - We had 153 recipients of the Academic Letter Award this year.  To qualify for the letter and for medals to be put on the letter in subsequent years, students must maintain the following:  1) a minimum cumulative GPA--freshman 3.9, sophomores 3.75, and juniors 3.5, 2) earn the GPA designated for their respective grade level in at least one of the two semesters, and 3) demonstrate scholarship (not service work) beyond what has been required in class for a grade.  Students and parents will be receiving an IC email blast of congratulations and to pick up their awards early next week from Dawn Seehafer.

Important Dates, October:
21    Staff meeting @ 2:50pm Virtually
21    Annual Mtg/Budget Mtg @ 6pm, Board Mtg @ 6:30pm, SH Auditorium
28    BLT @ 2:50pm
30    Grading Table opens

Sunday, October 11, 2020

October 12 - 16

D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Again, a huge thank you to Audrey Kemp for most of these photos. 


Our band was fantastic on Saturday at the Senior night Band Extravaganza. If you have a band student in class please congratulate them on a great show!

Also a few videos from our Dual meet in Cross Country this week. The students ran smart and had great performances for both Boys and Girls - our very own Ernie Luedke leading the way on the bike!

Curriculum and Instruction
Making thinking visible is a topic that has been included many times before within the blog.  I think in our new environment its important to reconsider with limited opportunities to be with our students. If you have a few minutes - take a look!

David Perkins, Havard School of Education
        Consider how often what we learn reflects what others are doing around us. We watch, we imitate, we adapt what we see to our own styles and interests, we build from there. Now imagine learning to dance when the dancers around you are all invisible. Imagine learning a sport when the players who already know the game can't be seen. Bizarre as this may sound, something close to it happens all the time in one very important area of learning: learning to think. 

        Thinking is pretty much invisible. To be sure, sometimes people explain the thoughts behind a particular conclusion, but often they do not. Mostly, thinking happens under the hood, within the marvelous engine of our mind-brain. 

        Not only is others' thinking mostly invisible, so are many circumstances that invite thinking. We would like youngsters, and indeed adults, to become alert and thoughtful when they hear an unlikely rumor, face a tricky problem of planning their time, have a dispute with a friend, or encounter a politician's sweeping statement on television. However, research by our group and others shows that people are often simply oblivious to situations that invite thinking. For a number of years, we have been building what is called a dispositional view of good thinking that pays as much attention to people's alertness and attitudes as it does to thinking skills as such. We ask not only how well do people think once they get going but how disposed are they in the first place to pay attention to the other side of the case, question the evidence, look beyond obvious possibilities, and so on. Our findings argue that everyday thinking may suffer more from just plain missing the opportunities than from poor skills (Perkins, Tishman, Ritchhart, Donis, & Andrade, 2000; Perkins & Tishman, 2001). 

        Fortunately, neither others' thinking nor opportunities to think need to be as invisible as they often are. As educators, we can work to make thinking much more visible than it usually is in classrooms. When we do so, we are giving students more to build on and learn from. By making the dancers visible, we are making it much easier to learn to dance

        There are many ways to make thinking visible. One of the simplest is for teachers to use the language of thinking (Tishman & Perkins, 1997). English and all other natural languages have a rich vocabulary of thinking -- consider terms like hypothesis, reason, evidence, possibility, imagination, perspective -- and routine use of such words in a natural intuitive way helps students catch on to the nuances of thinking and thoughtfulness that such terms represent. 

           Using the language of thinking is one element of something even more important: being a model of thoughtfulness for one's students. Teachers who do not expect instant answers, who display their own honest uncertainties, who take a moment to think about "What if" or "What if not" or "How else could this be done?" or "What's the other side of the case?" express respect for the process of thought and implicitly encourage students to notice problems and opportunities and think them through. 

        Another way to make thinking visible is to surface the many opportunities for thinking during subject matter learning. Thinking routines are helpful tools in this process. Thinking routines are simple patterns of thinking that can be used over and over again and folded easily into learning in the subject areas. They have a public nature, so that they make thinking visible, and students quickly get used to them (Ritchhart, 2002). 

        One thinking routine that we have found to be useful in many settings involves two key questions: "What's going on here?" and "What do you see that makes you say so?" (Tishman, 2002). It was adapted for teaching thinking from a routine for examining works of art developed by Philip Yenawine and Abigail Housen (Housen, 1996; Housen, Yenawine, & Arenas, 1991). For example, a teacher might show students a satellite photograph of a hurricane without identifying it, and ask "What's going on here?" One student says, "That's a storm over Florida." The teacher asks, "What do you see that makes you say so?" The student points out the distinctive profile of Florida, visible through the clouds. Another student says, "It's a hurricane." The teacher: "What you see that makes you say hurricane?" The student mentions the size of the cloud structure and its spiral formation. Another student adds by identifying the eye in the middle. 

        To generalize, this pair of questions asks students in informal language for interpretations and supporting reasons. As students respond, one can easily label their suggestions as hypotheses and support for their hypotheses as reasons, bringing the language of thinking into play. One can foreground disagreements and call for evidence on both sides. The same pair of questions, with no, or only slight modifications, works very well across a range of subject matters and draws rich responses from young children through graduate students. 

        Of course, there are many thinking routines. For another example, teachers with whom we have worked have had good success with the "circle of viewpoints." This routine fits situations that involve multiple viewpoints, as with political controversies, interpretations of history, understanding works of art, and interpersonal disputes. Often working in small groups, students brainstorm different points of view for a topic. For example, if the topic is slavery, they might mention the slave's point of view, the owner's point of view, the merchant's point of view, political points of view, religious points of view, moral and humanitarian points of view. Students are asked to pick a point of view and speak from it (which does not, of course, mean that they agree with it). A summary discussion at the end asks students to think about what they learned from looking across the points of view. 

        Another routine, called Powerful Questions, was developed by my Venezuelan colleague Beatriz Capdevielle and me a few years ago. Powerful Questions can be used in quite a elaborate way, but in its simplest version the teacher provokes students to address in turn three kinds of questions about an important topic: questions of exploration, connection making, and conclusion. The aim is to encourage the students themselves to formulate and then pursue the questions. The teacher facilitates the process without either providing the questions or answering them. 

        To continue with the slavery topic as an example, after an exploration of slavery in the United States through questions of exploration, a teacher might call for questions of connection: "Now that we understand more about slavery, how does this connect to other things? What questions can you ask about that... and then we'll pursue them?" Students might ask, for instance, "Is there slavery anywhere in the world today?" (Regrettably, yes.) "Are there situations kind of like slavery but not quite, and how are they different?" (For instance, child labor practices in some countries, indentured servitude in medieval times.) "When we make prisoners work in prison, is this slavery? Why not?" (The prisoners are not property; they cannot be bought and sold.) 

        As these examples suggest, an important characteristic of thinking routines is their ease of use. Typically, a thinking routine does not need to be taught at all as such. A teacher can put it to work right away with no introduction: "We have just read this short story. It's kind of mysterious. Now what do you think is going on here?" Or, "We just read this short story. People might feel pretty differently about what happened at the end. What might be different viewpoints about this story -- say as a parent, or as a minister, but who else?" 

        Once one begins a campaign to make thinking visible, the opportunities seem to be endless. But what does all this add up to? The ultimate aspiration is building a strong culture of thinking in the classroom. Culture, after all, is the great teacher. We learn both many concrete practices and fundamental attitudes from the ethnic, national, and family cultures within which we grow up. The Russian psychologist Vygotsky (1978) emphasized the fundamental learning process of internalization: making part of one's silent repertoire cognitive processes played out through social interaction. Students learn a lot from the classroom cultures around them, which carry the "hidden curriculum" of conventions and expectations. In order to ensure that they learn what we would really like them to, we need to take responsibility for building that culture, making it a strong culture of thinking. 

        Research shows that especially artful teachers establish cultures of thinking from the very first class days of the year (Ritchhart, 2002). For instance, they may discuss with students directly the value of attitudes of curiosity, inquiry, and playing with ideas – important thinking dispositions. They may put an open-ended problem on the table and engage students in wrestling with it, without coming to any final solution that day. They may lead Socratic dialogues that unpack a complicated issue. Then, as the school year unfolds, they continue and extend these practices. 

        In the quest for a culture of thinking, the notion of visible thinking helps to make concrete what such a classroom should look like and provides a kind of compass to point the way. At any moment, we can ask, "Is thinking visible here? Are students explaining things to one another? Are students offering creative ideas? Are they, and I, using the language of thinking? Is there a pro-con list on the blackboard? Is there a brainstorm about alternative plans on the wall? Are students debating interpretations?" 

        When the answers to questions like these are consistently yes, in our experience students are more likely to show interest and commitment as learning unfolds in the classroom. They find more meaning in the subject matters and more meaningful connections between school and everyday life. They begin to display the sorts of thinking dispositions we would most like to see in young learners -- not closed-minded but open-minded, not bored but curious, neither gullible nor sweepingly negative but appropriately skeptical, not satisfied with "just the facts" but wanting to understand. 

        With persistent and ardent attention, all this can flow from making thinking visible. However, to get that far, one has to get past the problem of invisibility. A large part of the challenge is that the very invisibility of thinking is itself invisible. We don't notice how easily thinking can stay out of sight, because we are used to it being that way. As educators, our first task is perhaps to see the absence, to hear the silence, to notice what is not there. The Chinese proverb tells us that a journey of one thousand miles begins with but a single step. Seeing the absence is an excellent first step. Without it, the journey is not likely to happen. With it, and the direction and energy the realization brings, we are on our way to making thinking visible.

Week Ahead/Announcements

Canvas Gradebook Reminders - I have had a couple of questions lately about our grading practices in Canvas, so I have a few reminders to share.
  • Assignments should be categorized by Standard Groups (i.e. reading, writing, speaking, etc.).
  • Assignment Titles should always begin with a standard name or abbreviation followed by the Assignment Name (This will help to sort data and look at evidence of learning by standard for each student).
  • The Success Skills category should be replaced with the “Practice to learn” category.
  • When entering grades without a rubric, you must enter a point value, but you should set the assignment to display as a letter grade (This will allow for the 4, 3.5, 3 scale to calculate accurately).
  • If an assignment covers more than one learning outcome/standard, you will still need to enter multiple assignments to place a grade for individual standards.
  • When a student earns an “NE” on a graded assignment/assessment, the NE should be replaced when the student completes the assignment/assessment.
Here are two links for Canvas resources. The first one is for staff and the second for parents. You can share out if you would like.

No Visitors - A friendly reminder that there should be no visitors to the building during the school day.

Student Attendance on Cohort Day - Please remember that students should not be coming in on the opposite cohort days but yes either cohort can sign up for Fridays - If you have a special situation please talk with Mike beforehand. 

Parent Newsletter - Dawn is working on a newsletter to be emailed by the end of October. If there is something that you would like in it, please email a small paragraph, picture, symbol, etc. to her by 10/16.

Daily Announcements - Just to clarify, announcements will only be typed up on Mondays (read Monday and Tuesday) and Wednesdays (read Wednesday and Thursday).  Please have them emailed to SRH Announcements by 8am on Mondays and Wednesdays to make sure they are on the list.  Dawn will email them out to faculty/staff and put on the senior high website.

Staff Locator - The staff locator has been updated.  If there is anything that needs to be added, deleted, changed, etc., please contact Dawn as the following link is read-only:  Staff Locator Sem 1 2020-2021

Sub Binder Reminder - Teachers are asked to please update your sub binder.  They were put in teacher mailboxes last Friday with a note on the front cover as to what is still needed to be completed in the binder.  Seating charts and sub plans are required in case we need to contact trace for Covid.  Please return them to the main offie asap.  If you didn't get one in your mailbox, then you already updated what was needed. 

Important Dates, October:

14    BLT @ 2:50pm
21    Staff meeting @ 2:50pm Virtually
21    Annual Mtg/Budget Mtg @ 6pm, Board Mtg @ 6:30pm, SH Auditorium
28    BLT @ 2:50pm
30    Grading Table opens

Sunday, October 4, 2020

October 5 - 9

  D.C. Everest Senior High School Staff Update

Weekly Happenings

Saturday, October 2nd was National School Custodian Day.  It is true every year, but none as much as this year - the absolute dedication and pride our custodians take in our building is tremendous.  Their quiet efforts behind the scenes keep our facility clean, operational and welcoming for all who come. To each of our custodians on day and night shift - THANK YOU!

Some great photos from Audrey Kemp this week!

And a few from Ann Geier - Thanks for sharing!

Interesting Information

I found this article to be a nice reminder of our most important responsibility during this unprecedented time. I am thankful for all of the work you all have put in to reach out, develop, and go the extra mile to build such strong and meaningful relationships.

October 2020 | Volume 78 | Number 2
Trauma-Sensitive Schools Pages 20-27

Maintaining Relationships, Reducing Anxiety During Remote Learning

Jessica Minahan

Teachers can play a huge role in helping students with anxiety or trauma issues feel safe—even from a distance.

Americans find ourselves in a stressful time. Multiple crises are hitting us at once, including the pandemic, the resulting economic hardship, and the impact of systemic racism. As the months pass, isolation, fear of infection, sickness, and economic insecurity have taken their toll. Many of us are experiencing increased anxiety and depression. Teachers and school leaders are tackling an impossible task—to figure out how to provide quality education to students while weighing the infection risk and shifting between distance, in-person, and hybrid models of learning. To say many of us are experiencing whiplash, disorientation, and anxiety is an understatement.

Our students feel it, too. Typically, nationwide, one in three teenagers experiences clinically significant anxiety in their lifetime (Merikangas et al., 2010). During a pandemic that heavily effects everyday life, it's probable that children and teens' levels of anxiety are even higher—and the possibility of subsequent trauma greater. Not all students will experience the pandemic crisis as a trauma, but some will. And students with preexisting mental health issues are at greater risk when school is disrupted, because early treatment is important and many services for struggling kids are typically provided in school.

Disruption in schooling and heightened anxiety related to COVID-19 makes learning more challenging. Chronic stress impairs students' ability to learn, specifically in the areas of attention, concentration, impulse control, and memory (Raver, 2016). This disruption has uniquely effected students with special needs and learning challenges. The pandemic is also widening the achievement gap for children living in poverty and children of color, who are experiencing higher rates of illness, death, and economic impact (Lewis & Michener, 2020). Black and Latinx parents are more likely to have front line jobs—and thus less likely to help with home learning and more at risk of infection. Racial trauma is also at the forefront of educators' minds. The adverse effects of racism, of viewing videos of police killings (Tynes et al., 2019), and of the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on the mental health of children of color must be addressed as we return to classrooms.

Clearly, many students will need additional support as they return to physical and virtual classrooms this fall. Teachers are rising to the occasion in creative ways, but even in a traditional classroom, it can be a challenge to support students with anxiety and trauma histories to stay calm and focus on learning. With distance learning, this difficulty is magnified. However, even then, there's much teachers can do to reduce students' anxiety.

During this crisis, I believe we need to prioritize students' mental health over academics. The impact of trauma can be life-long, so what students learn during this school year ultimately won't be as important as whether they feel safe.

Maintaining Connections

In a time of crisis and change, we must help students feel safe, cared for, and connected to their teachers, even when learning remotely. Strong relationships with teachers can insulate anxious students from escalating and can promote academic, emotional, and behavioral growth. Teacher-student relationships can also mitigate the adverse effects of trauma, making relationship-building of utmost importance during the pandemic and in the future (Forster et al., 2017).

This spring, teachers across the country found creative ways to stay connected with students. Providing a recorded video of yourself explaining a concept, posing a challenge question, or doing a read-aloud is a fabulous way to help students feel connected to you and the class. In any video, greeting the students and explicitly telling them you miss being with them and can't wait to see them again is a powerful way to help them feel cared for.

Whenever possible, make the effort to connect with each student individually. One supportive adult can help a student overcome a very difficult home situation and shield them from resultant anxiety (Brooks, 2003). A connection with a caring teacher can be a lifeline for a vulnerable student. For students who don't have internet access, try a cell phone-based messaging communication system like Remind. Other strategies for making individual connections include:

  • Send individual email messages. Instead of sending a group email to students, copy and paste the content and send it individually to each student, using their name in the opening. When communicating individually with a student (through Google Classroom, email, etc.), use the student's name often in the correspondence. It will make them feel special.
  • Make phone calls from school. Receiving a call at home can cheer up not only the student, but also the parents, and provides tangible proof that you care. 
  • Send letters. In the event of temporary school closures during the year, send a brief letter to each of your students. Jotting a personal note back to a student who responds can mean the world to that student if she's feeling isolated and anxious. You can do a similar thing via email, but sending letters through the mail can ensure equity for students who may not have consistent computer access. A letter is also something concrete a student can save and refer to when feeling stressed.
  • Use a folder in Google Classroom or other file-sharing program for students to share art and other work. This allows you to provide positive personal feedback, which is essential for students who don't receive an acknowledgment from their caregivers.
  • Leave voice comments on written work. Recording your voice communicating feedback can almost mimic the feedback you'd give in person. (There's a voice notes program called Mote on the Google Chrome browser that allows you to do this.)
  • Create routines. Consistency helps students feel safe and calm. Having something like a recorded video morning greeting or a Zoom help session at the same time each day gives structure to the day.
  • Hold "office hours." Provide opportunities during which students and caretakers can check-in through messaging, a conferencing app, or a phone call to ask for help or to connect. For older learners, you might schedule small-group Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangouts meetings for students who need help with content, creating another opportunity to provide more individual attention.
  • Establish daily check-ins. Have students show you how they are feeling. For young students, this might mean sending an emoji during morning meeting, (see this app) with the option of sharing publicly or just with you. Or at any age, students can signal a thumbs up or thumbs down before a distance-learning lesson. Students in upper elementary through high school could use a private Google form to check in each day.
Responding to Anxiety, Fear, or Panic

As we keep lines of communication and connection open, educators must be prepared to respond to difficult questions from stressed students. Students with anxiety and trauma histories tend to think negatively and may magnify scary information. School leaders might provide staff a readily available cheat sheet on how to respond to student distress, with suggestions like these:

  • Validate feelings. Before you make any suggestions, reflect back something like, "It sounds like you're scared" or "I'm sorry you are so worried." Tell the student it's normal to feel anxious when routines have changed. Make sure to mirror the student's emotions while speaking.
  • Stay calm. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it. When reassuring students, have the cadence, intonation, and volume of your voice—on the phone or video—mimic the way you would read a story to a youngster. Students are watching us. If we seem anxious, it could confirm their worst fears.
  • Be truthful. Being vague or minimizing the facts can be unsettling to young children—and send older kids searching online for more information, which sometimes creates greater anxiety. We want to make sure they don't overestimate the danger or underestimate their ability to protect themselves—or the need to do so. Tell them the basic facts, including that young people don't typically get very sick with the virus and that wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing are the best courses of action. Be optimistic, but don't overpromise when asked about COVID-19. "I can't wait until we can reduce precautions" is more appropriate than "We will only have to wear masks for a little while."
  • Reframe negative comments. When a student makes an inaccurate or overly negative comment like "I will get sick," respond with an accurate and more positive reframe: "You are washing your hands and social distancing. You are taking steps to prevent that." It is helpful in the reframe to remind them they do have some control over what they fear (Minahan, 2019).
  • Remind students to look for the helpers. Mr. Rogers famously said that when frightening information is on the news, children should look for the helpers. This positive focus helps deter negative thinking. After students talk about an upsetting news story, ask them to count the helpers mentioned, focusing them on the good that often far outnumbers the bad. Young students can be asked to list five helpers supporting people at this time. Teens might write a letter to—or an essay about—a helper they find on a positive news outlet, such as
  • Notify a caretaker if a student expresses serious fear and anxiety. 
Giving Students a Sense of Control

One of the most terrifying aspects of the pandemic is that much of it is out of our control. Typically, people have a baseline belief that bad things (like car crashes) are unlikely to happen to them, which stops us from being in a constant state of anxiety. When a crisis affects us all, we can feel that any bad thing is now possible and experience catastrophic thinking ("Everyone I love could die!"). Particularly for anxious students and students with trauma histories, maintaining a sense of even limited control can ease this pervasive anxiety. Here are several ways teachers can empower students.

  • Remind them of what they can control. Remind students that by following health guidelines like washing hands, taking vitamins, and practicing social distancing, they are protecting themselves and others—sacrificing for others, which is what heroes do.
  • Suggest journaling. Students of all ages can be empowered by keeping a journal about their experience of this unprecedented time, as a journal could conceivably become a historical artifact.
  • Encourage helping others. A focus on helping others is empowering and can help students feel better in times of crisis. "Distance" volunteering ideas include starting a story and sending it to an elderly neighbor to finish, creating posters to combat racism resulting from COVID-19, reading to younger children via video chat, and making birthday cards for foster children who are celebrating in isolation. ( is a great place to find structured online volunteering opportunities for youth.) It would be therapeutic to do volunteer activities as a whole class, such as sending drawings or essays to local senior citizens who are shut in.
Remember, Behavior Is Communication

Many students will communicate their feelings through changes in behavior. Not all children and teens react to stress the same way, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020) list common behavior changes to look out for during this crisis, when interacting with students:
  • Excessive crying or irritation in younger children.
  • Returning to behaviors they have outgrown (like bedwetting).
  • Excessive worry or sadness.
  • Unhealthy eating or sleeping habits.
  • Irritability and "acting out" behaviors in teens.
  • Difficulty with attention and concentration.
  • Avoidance of activities enjoyed in the past.
  • Unexplained headaches or body pain.
  • Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
When you see students disengage from activities, mention alcohol use, or write an irritable note, respond with compassion. Their behavior is their way of telling you, "I'm scared, nervous, or uneasy." Share this information with caretakers, who may misunderstand the student's behavior as just having an attitude.
Curriculum Considerations

COVID-19 isn't the only heightened stressor students face now. Many kids will feel the increase in racial trauma. We need to be careful about how we communicate racial injustice in lessons, so students aren't retraumatized.
  • Be thoughtful about specific fear-inducing topics. If the class typically reads a book where the main character's mother dies, be aware this can retraumatize some students. Teaching teams should be thoughtful about whether that particular book is necessary and when in the school year it should be taught, taking into account what's happening with the rate of COVID infections locally, and whether there's been a spike.
  • Be cautious of implying racism experienced by students is exaggerated or imagined. For example, in reading To Kill a Mockingbird, it's tempting to say, "That's how things were back then," but this could invalidate some student's current experiences of being discriminated against or racially profiled (Gaffney, 2019). Consider using high-quality anti-racist curricula for ideas and activities on productive ways to address issues of racial injustice.
  • Differentiate instruction. Students living in poverty, students of color, and students with special learning needs have been disproportionately impacted by school disruptions. Differentiating curriculum, including homework policies, can ensure students receive what they need academically. Homework policies also need to be equitable to avoid punishing students already struggling domestically.
  • Promote fun and joy throughout the day. Remind kids school is a positive part of their life.
Prioritizing Safety and Support

During this crisis, teachers must perform a critical role in combatting trauma and anxiety. While academics are important, our most important task is supporting students' mental health, especially our most vulnerable students. By maintaining connections, teaching key coping strategies, listening and responding to students' behavior, and helping students feel in control, we can help them come through this time feeling resilient and supported. When the crisis is over, students won't remember what you taught them—they'll remember that you made them feel safe and cared for.

Week Ahead

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Parent-Teacher Conferences will be on November 12th and 16th.  They will be virtual by Webex or telephone with prior appointment scheduling.  Additionally, during the weeks of 11/8 and 11/15 there should be 3 hours of parent contact by teachers o their own time by email, phone, and/or Webex.  We are working with IT people to figure out all details.  More information to follow.

Friday Scheduler - Below is the Friday scheduler link. Students have received the notification - parents did not. Bailey is working on it to see if we can add parent emails as well. Please share with students - they can sign themselves up for help using their universal login.

Sunshine Club taking donations Each year our Sunshine Club celebrates fun life events and provides encouragement and support during difficult life events. We are still collecting monetary donations to support Sunshine efforts. Contributions can be dropped off in the Student Services office with Melissa Barwick or placed in the Sunshine envelope in Jodi Devine or Melissa Barwick’s mailbox.

Attendance and confidentiality - I believe we have done a great job with this so far, but remember that if you know a student or staff member to be out with a Covid diagnosis or exposure you are required to keep that information confidential from other people. 

Covid Dashboard - A Covid dashboard will be released this week which will keep transparent communication regarding the status of positive cases in each building in the district. This dashboard will replace the weekly updates I have sent the past three weeks. The district will be sending a communication to all families and staff once the dashboard is launched.

Important Dates, October:

14    BLT @ 2:50pm
21    Staff meeting @ 2:50pm Virtually
21    Annual Mtg/Budget Mtg @ 6pm, Board Mtg @ 6:30pm, SH Auditorium
28    BLT @ 2:50pm
30    Grading Table opens

May 28 - 31

    Weekly Happenings Congratulations Andrew on the arrival of your baby girl Emilia Swanson.  She was born Friday, May 17th.   Congratulati...